Produkteigenschaften: Urinbeutel unsteril mit Ablauf Push-Pull, 2000 ml mit NRV Bettbeutel Schlauchlänge 90 cm 1 Stück Quelle: Angaben des Herstellers Stand: 02/2017
Biofinity XR contact lenses from Cooper Vision are designed to provide optimum comfort and clarity of vision. These extended wear lenses are available in a range of powers not equalled by any other major silicone hydrogel contact lens company. Thanks to the innovative Aquaform Technology, these lenses maintain their moisture for long periods of time, without any need to use other additives, wetting agents or surface treatments. Their smooth, wettable surface is made to resist deposits, and their rounded-edge design enhances wearing comfort. Contact lens type: Extended wear contact lenses. Manufacturer: CooperVision. Material: 48% water, 52% Comfilcon A. Handling tint: Not specified. UVA/UVB protection: Not specified. Usage instructions: Daily wear, or extended wear for 6 nights and 7 days. Sold by Specsavers as Opteyes XR
Silk'n Revit - Filtres est un lot de 30 filtres necessaires pour ameliorer les resultats et la duree de vie de votre appareil de microdermabrasion.
Cartilage de requin 60 gelules Orthonat Cartilage de requin est une source naturelle de chondroitine, de collagene et de differents oligoelements.Le sulfate de chondroitine constitue le plus abondant des glycosaminoglycanes du corps humain.Le collagene est un composant naturel de la peau.Les ingredients presents dans Cartilage de requin proviennent drsquo;especes non protegees. Ingredients : (source naturelle de collagene et de chondroitine) Cartilage de Requin 700 mg. (especes non-protegees). Conseil d utilisation : 1 a 2 gelules par jour
Designed specifically for use on sensitive skin prone to redness, the PyratineXR Cream uses a clinically studied formula that makes uses of propriety cytokinin technology. Quickly and easily absorbed, it supports the skin's barrier function without causing further irritation.
Model:YK-1179; Tips:Body massage offers therapeutic treatment, but cannot completely replace a doctor's treatment.,Women who are pregnant or during their period should not undergo abdominal massage.,You should not do a full body massage if you are suffering from extreme fatigue, dizzy, drunk, have a fever, or within a half hour of eating.,If you have a skin disease or damaged skin, please do not use electornic machines on the affected areas.; Voltage (V):