Phoenix HS1092KD Diamond Deposit Safe with Key Lock The HS1092KD safe is ideal for high security storage of up to £10,000.00 cash or £100,000.00 worth of valuables, and would is recommended for retail, banks, financial institutes or any environment with a high cash turnover. This Deposit safe has been approved by the UK Police Secured by Design scheme and the Association of Insurance Surveyors. This Phoenix safe features a high security pull-out deposit drawer with an advanced baffle plate for maximum security. The Diamond Deposit safe is fitted with a high quality key lock and is supplied with bolts for floor fixing.
Straight Desk Screen 800mm Includes generic bracket Choice of Colours
Pack of 3, 3m tapes 1 x Blue, 1 x Black, 1 x Red, embossing tapes to fit Dymo Junior & Omega
Beschreibung Untergestell für IDEAL 4305 + 4315
Beschreibung WEDO Büroklammern, kunststoffüberzogen, 27 mm farbig sortiert, aus Metall Inhalt: 1.000 Stück in Klarsichtdose (901 244699)
The Essentials 3 Drawer Mobile Pedestal is finished with metal to metal fixings. The pedestal features wooden drawer inners It is finished nicely with modern silver handles. The drawers are lockable and come with a steel bar and accuride runners in filing drawer to accommodate hanging files. Fitted with castors for ease of movement.