Current Museum Exhibitions
Our Senses: An Immersive Experience: November 20, 2017–January 6, 2019
We get to know our world through some or all of our senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but they’re just parts of a much larger puzzle. The highly experiential exhibition Our Senses delves into how our brains work with sensory organs to shape our perceptions and reveals how, until recently in our evolutionary history, humans have been oblivious to nature’s other crucial signals, including UV light, infrared sounds, and electrical fields.
Unseen Oceans: March 12, 2018–January 6, 2019
Oceans explores our blue planet’s defining feature—the world ocean—as revealed through 21st-century technology. Visitors to the exhibition will meet the elusive giants of the sea, including whales, sharks, giant squid; sink beneath the waves in a virtual submersible theater; and marvel at the vivid fluorescence displayed by marine creatures but invisible to us . . . until now. And they’ll leave with a deeper awareness that the future of the planet depends on the future of the ocean.
The Butterfly Conservatory (October 7th, 2017 - May 29th, 2019)
This exhibition, an annual favorite, features up to 500 live, free-flying tropical butterflies from the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The butterflies are housed in a vivarium that approximates their natural habitat, includes live flowering plants that serve as nectar sources, and features controlled artificial light, temperature, and humidity.
T. rex: The Ultimate Predator: (March 11, 2019 - June 16th, 2019)
This exhibition will focus on the on the genus of dinosaurs known as tyrannosaurs. The exhibition will explore how these mega-predators came to be, with an emphasis on the most famous and impressive member of the family, Tyrannosaurus rex.
Updated Climate Change Exhibit
Understand one of the most urgent scientific issues of our time. explore how climate change is affecting the world today as well as what might happen in the future if the current course continues.
Current Museum Films
Space Show – Hayden Planetarium
Dark Universe: narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium
Celebrate the pivotal discoveries that have led us to greater knowledge of the structure and history of the universe and our place in it—and to new frontiers for exploration.
Giant Screen Films – 3D & 2D showings
Backyard Wilderness: now through June 30, 2019
Audiences enter a wild world of breathtaking beauty and captivating animals, including an array of nature’s master of mimicry.
Wollman Ice Rink Inclusions
Guaranteed admission to Wollman Rink Central Park
Skate rental
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Locker rentals
Food and drinks
Additional info
Confirmation will be received at time of booking
Paper voucher must be exchanged for admission ticket.
Lockers are available for rent
Additional equipment such as ice walkers, helmets, pads, etc. are not available at the the rink
Skating times may be cancelled due to inclement weather. In this event, tickets may be redeemed on a different day. Contact 365 Tickets USA for details
Ice Resurfacing Times
Subject to change based on ice conditions.
11:30, 2:30, 5:30
11:30, 2:30, 5:30
11:30, 2:30, 6:00, 8:00
11:30, 2:30, 6:00, 8:00
11:30, 2:30, 6:00, 8:00, 9:30
11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30,
7:30, 9:30
11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30
Madame Tussauds Hollywood is the place where you can “meet” celebrities under one roof! It is the best new interactive wax attraction in Los Angeles located next to the world famous Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and Walk of Fame. This is your chance to experience the glamour by getting up close and personal with over 100 incredible life-like wax figures from the world of film, music, sports and politics without velvet ropes and barriers between them. Spread over three floors of attraction space, your journey begins when you sashay down the red carpet at an award show. Step onto memorable movie blockbuster sets as you play the role of supporting actor and actress with your favourite stars. Say hello to the President of the United States, meet our giant huggable Shrek, shoot hoops with Kobe Bryant, have a saloon shoot out with John Wayne, learn the art of making wax figures with Beyonce, collect an award with Halle Berry and much more. Be sure to bring a camera and take home the ultimate souvenir photo as there will be plenty of surprises and some breathtaking experiences in every corner. Madame Tussauds Hollywood is redefining celebrity encounters…Who do you want to meet? ENTER THE SUPER HERO COMMAND CENTRE Marvel Super Heroes 4D will take you right inside the Super Heroes’ top secret command centre – S.H.I.E.L.D (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division) - and you will be immersed from the moment you arrive. Hulk’s gigantic legs can be seen standing astride a massive plinth, his torso disappearing through a gaping hole in the ceiling. The super sized Super Hero has broken out of his Gamma Chamber triggering warning lights and emergency alarms. Circling around the massive feet of the gargantuan 4.5m tall figure, you can gaze up and get a tantalising glimpse of what awaits on the next level.
Batobus Batobus hop-on hop off services takes you to the heart of Paris, to reach the various quarters of the capital. With 9 stops on the route, Batobus shows you a different view of Paris and is an original way of getting about in Paris. Hop-off hop-on points: Tour Eiffel: Port de la Bourdonnais.At the foot of the 1,710 steps of a great Parisian landmark. Musée d'Orsay: Quai de Solférino. Next to the museum, a stop leading to the world of the Impressionists. St-Germain-des-Prés: Quai Malaquais. Near the Institut de France, the Paris of artists and intellectuals. Notre-Dame: Quai de Montebello. The architectural harmony of the cathedral and the carefree student atmosphere of the Latin Quarter. Jardin des Plantes / Cité de la Mode: station was moved to the foot of the Cité de la Mode, just 10 minutes walk from its original location. Hotel de Ville: Close to Pont d'Arcole. The City Hall stop leads to the richness and contrasts of the Marais district and the Pompidou Centre. Louvre: Between Pont Royal and Pont du Carrousel. Reveals a quarter where history and history of art are one. Champs-Elysées: Close to Pont Alexandre III. Mythical Paris-the Grand Palais, the Petit Palais and Avenue Montaigne. Beaugrenelle: located in the 15th arrondissement, open daily from 10am to 20:45. A district placed under the sign of relaxation and shopping. Louvre Museum The Louvre Museum is unquestionably one of the finest art galleries in the world. Home to thousands of classic and modern masterpieces, the Louvre is the jewel in the crown of French culture, a towering testament to European civilisation and history. Its quality and importance is highlighted through its popularity as the Louvre is the globes most-visited museum. To walk through the Louvre Museum is to walk through the history of France and into the minds of kings and revolutionaries. The reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV saw major expansion and a linking of the palaces and halls, which make up the museum today The Louvre Museum contains over 35,000 pieces of artwork across numerous departments including Near Eastern Antiquities, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities, Islamic Art, Sculptures, Decorative Arts, Paintings, Prints and Drawings. Masterpieces by great artists such as Da Vinci and Delacroix are part of the permanent collection of this prestigious gallery. Surrounding this iconic pyramid building are the Carrousel gardens. These beautiful formal gardens are among the finest in the world and the perfect setting to discuss and reflect on the wonders of the gallery itself.
Die Online-Preise variieren je nach Jahreszeit, und nicht alle Daten sind immer verfügbar. Wählen Sie oben ein gewünschtes Datum für die spezifische Preisgestaltung aus. Fahrten und Shows: Mit atemberaubenden Fahrgeschäften und Shows kannst du in einige der größten Filme der Welt eintauchen. Die Zauberwelt von Harry Potter™ Jetzt geöffnet! Erkunden Sie die Geheimnisse der Burg von Hogwarts ™, besuchen Sie die Geschäfte von Hogsmeade ™ und kosten Sie Proben von einigen der bekanntesten Einrichtungen der Zaubererwelt. Erleben Sie Harry Potter und die Verbotene Reise ™ und Flight of the Hippogriff ™, die Sie in eine Welt voller magischer Emotionen versetzen. Die Walking Dead Attraktion Am 4. Juli tritt die postapokalyptische Welt von AMCs "The Walking Dead" in einer ganz neuen Attraktion auf. Studiotour Gehen Sie hinter die Kulissen der legendären Studio Tour, um Hollywoods berühmtestes Hinterland im weltgrößten Filmstudio zu erkunden. Fast & Furious - Supercharged Feiern Sie den 50. Jahrestag der weltberühmten Studio Tour und halten Sie sich fest für das brandneue Finale, Fast & Furious - Supercharged! King Kong 360 3-D Verpassen Sie nicht das preisgekrönte King Kong 360 3-D von Peter Jackson - das weltweit größte 3D-Erlebnis! Nacht Studio Tour Erleben Sie Hollywoods berühmtesten Backlot wie nie zuvor, während Sie an Bord der neuen Nighttime Studio Tour die Magie des Filmemachens im Mondlicht erkunden. Transformers™: Der Ride-3D Diese Fahrt ist eine mitreißende Thrill-Fahrt der nächsten Generation, die die Grenze zwischen Fiktion und Realität verwischen lässt. Die Simpsons Ride ™ Die Simpsons ™ besuchen Krustyland. Haben Sie viel Spaß mit Homer, Marge, Bart ... Jurassic Park® - Die Fahrt Komm 'Angesicht zu Angesicht mit lebenden Dinosauriern, einem 50-Fuß-T-Rex, und einem 84-Fuß-todesmutigen Floßsprung. Shrek 4-D™ Mit Shrek 4-D ™ kannst du Abenteuer auf einem nächsten Level erleben - die Attraktion, die mit haarsträubenden Effekten so real ist, dass alle deine Sinne in der Ogerzeit sind. Live-Musik, Filme, Clubs, gutes Essen und immer etwas Neues zu entdecken. Mehr als 30 Restaurants, 3 heiße Nachtclubs, 19 Kinosäle mit dem neuesten Stand der Technik IMAX® und mehr als 30 einzigartige Geschäfte: Universal CityWalk könnte dein neuer Lieblingsort in LA werden. Er befindet sich direkt neben den Universal Studios Hollywood. Bedingungen: Das Ticket ist nur für das ausgewählte Datum gültig. Das Ticket ist nicht übertragbar und nicht erstattungsfähig. Das Ticket darf nicht kopiert, übertragen oder weiterverkauft werden. Das Ticket ist nur für die Person gültig, die darauf genannt wird. Das Ticket kann nicht mit anderen Angeboten, separat ausgestellten Veranstaltungen, Ermäßigungen, Halloween Horror Nights oder Sightseeing-Touren kombiniert werden. Teile vom Park unterliegen Änderung oder Schließung ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Parkplatz ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen. Der Eintritt zum Early Park beginnt eine Stunde vor Eröffnung des Themenparks und unterliegt der Verfügbarkeit, Stornierung und Änderung.
Barcelona is a city that is transformed when the sun sets and it is enshrouded in a certain magic and mystery. It is then that its buildings reveal other attractions… and perhaps the most charming is a masterpiece by Antoni Gaudí. We invite you to discover the Casa Milà at night! This intimate and exclusive visit will reveal the secrets the building hides when night falls.You'll be a privileged eyewitness to lives, customs and anecdotes about the people who lived in this unique building 100 years ago. You'll see that every corner is proof of Gaudí's imagination and genius, although he never relinquished the functionality of each space and element. Twisting corridors that will transport you inside a cave; the sea's waves that conceal peaceful marine life; wrought-iron cobwebs; chimneys resembling giant warriors; and a plethora of forms waiting to be discovered where stone and materials come to life in a magnificent dance of details. An unforgettable journey to the origin of life and the essence of Gaudí's architecture.