Farbiges Wachsornament Blumenvasen 1, ca. 7 cm, geprägt.
The Stanley FatMax Pozi Tip VDE Insulated Screwdrivers have a VDE insulated screwdriver tip that is individually tested to 10,000 volts and guaranteed to 1,000 volts. The soft-grip handle gives the perfect combination of great grip plus reduced fatigue and its large diameter offers greater torque needed for driving wood screws. The handle is moulded directly to the bar giving a virtually unbreakable bond. The heavy-duty plastic sheath running the length of the bar protects the user from live current.Stanley FatMax VDE Insulated Screwdriver Pozi Tip has the following specification: Tip Size: PZ0.Blade Length: 75mm (3in).
Tipo:Adhesivo; Tamaño de la Laptop:11 "; Material:Plástico; Dimensiones (cm):170270mm; Netto Gewicht (kg):0.022
100 naturweiße Umschläge, gummiert, Spitzklappe, 17 cm x 17 cm, 100 g/m².
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