ICON Orlando Vea la magia y las maravillas que le ofrece Orlando desde el cielo. Coca-Cola Orlando Eye ofrece una forma única de experimentar la belleza de Orlando, y contemplar la ciudad como nunca lo ha hecho antes. Suba a unos 120 metros en la rueda más alta de observación de la costa este de América del Norte, y experimente las impresionantes vistas panorámicas de los alrededores de Florida Central. La rotación gradual de las cápsulas le brinda una perspectiva cambiante, mientras disfruta de la comodidad y del aire acondicionado. Sleuth’s – Espectáculo Misterioso con Cena Su noche comienza entrando en uno de los tres teatros donde será recibido y tratado como el gran invitado que es por nuestros extravagantes personajes. Disfrute de las ensaladas, panecillos, galletas y queso para untar, la firma de la casa, ¡mientras a alguien o algo sospechoso! Una vez todo esté listo, podrá disfrutar de una hilarante comedia de misterio de 45 minutos, donde se presentarán todas las pistas y ayudará a resolver el crimen. Disfrute de una deliciosa cena, y convierta la mesa en un equipo de investigación donde se formularán las preguntas, interesantes o no, que harán durante el interrogatorio en vivo. Después de la cena, el detective se paseará por toda la sala, que permitirá que cada mesa haga sus preguntas y descubra pistas adicionales. ¡Todo lleno de comedia y curiosidad por saber quién es el culpable! Su velada concluye con la elección de un delicioso postre "misterio" mientras hace su estimación final sobre quién cometió el crimen. A continuación, verá como nuestro detective descubre el verdadero criminal para después ¡dar premios a todos aquellos que habían sido tan buenos detectives que lo habían descubierto! Menú Antes de la actuación: Ensalada fresca Surtido de Galletas y queso para untar marca de la casa Panecillos con mantequilla Tentempiés calientes y fríos ˜ ˜ ˜ Plato principal a elegir: Gallina de Cornualles glaseada con miel y con relleno de hierbas, boniato, vegetales y salsa de arándanos. Costillas de Máxima Calidad (5.20€ extra más impuestos) con patatas al horno y verduras. Lasaña de cuatro quesos (con o sin albóndigas, a su elección) con verduras y pan de ajo. Para niños de entre 3 y 11 años: tiras de pollo rebozado, macarrones con queso y judías verdes. ˜ ˜ ˜ Postre Misterioso: Si se lo dijéramos no sería un misterio, ¿verdad? ˜ ˜ ˜ Bebidas (todas las bebidas están incluidas en el precio de la entrada): Cerveza Cerveza Light Vino Rosado Vino Blanco Vino Tinto Pepsi Pepsi Light Sierra Mist (bebida gaseosa de sabor lima-limón) Jarra de Cerveza Zumo de NaranjaTropicana Té Helado endulzado Té Café
¡Descubre las profundidades! 1 km de viaje dividido en 5 mundos: el Viejo Mundo, el Nuevo Mundo, la Jungla, los Jardines y el Gran Azul . 55 tanques. 8.000 ejemplares de 700 especies. En las que se incluyen tiburones, peces payasos, peces cirujanos, tiburones martillos, peces globos y muchos más... Uno de los tanques de tiburones más profundos en Europa (con 8,5 m de profundidad contiene 3,5 millones de litros de agua salada natural). La mayor muestra de corales vivos de Europa. El único paisaje visto de una vez, uno de los más bonitos y diversos ecosistemas del mundo (un hábitat explorado normalmente solo por buceadores experimentados). Pantallas táctiles interactivas y educativas. Piscinas interactivas táctiles (con estrellas de mar, con erizos de mar y muchos más). Alberga la única exposición dedicada al problema del atún rojo. El área de la Jungla es la jungla de azotea más grande de Europa y recrea fielmente el microclima, la fauna, la flora y las cascadas de la Cuenca del Amazonas. 2 áreas de juego para niños (en el área exterior: el barco pirata, el castillo hinchable y el área de chapoteo. En el interior: zona de juegos blandos) Entretenimiento y diversión para todas las edades: Guías multilingües del océano con amplio conocimiento. Entretenimiento de niños (pinta caras, guerras de globos de agua, mini disco...). Alimentación/Charlas durante el día en español, inglés y alemán. Actividades extra: Barco para ver a los tiburones. Bucea con tiburones. Buceo/ Buceo con tubo con rayas (solo en verano). Nuestros valores: Nuestra filosofía es: conocer para valorar, valorar para proteger. El único centro de recuperación y rehabilitación de Mallorca (área vedada). Información de utilidad: Diversión para todas las edades con independencia del tiempo. Zonas de comida, en los que se incluye el buffet y comida a la carta. Wi-Fi gratuito. A pocos minutos del aeropuerto, la playa, el Centro Comercial Fan Mallorca y Palma. Paradas de transportes públicos justo fuera. Aparcamiento público exterior y subterráneo. Premio de accesibilidad (totalmente accesible para coches capota y sillas de ruedas).
As a Dolphin Encounter participant or an Observer you’ll receive complimentary admission to all Miami Seaquarium shows and exhibits for that day Exhibits Shark Channel - When Miami Seaquarium® first opened in 1955, one of the main attractions was the Shark Channel. Today, guests are still entranced by these fearsome creatures. At the Shark Presentation, animal care specialists feed 200-pound sharks while explaining the various species of shark that exist worldwide. Tropical Reef - A favorite among park visitors, the Main Reef Aquarium features a 750,000-gallon saltwater aquarium teeming with reef fishes of every size, color and description. During the Reef Presentation, a diver accompanied by a group of Sea Trekers slowly work their way around the aquarium allowing visitors to watch as he/she hand-feeds the colorful tropical fish, large groupers, cobia, stingrays and moray eels. This presentation is accompanied by an informational narration. Manatees - At the Manatee Exhibit, guests come face-to-face with Florida's state marine mammal through poolside and underwater viewing areas. The Manatee Presentation provides an opportunity to learn about this fascinating and federally endangered animal and, more importantly, explains ways that guests can help save these gentle creatures of the sea. The manatees featured are part of the rescue and rehabilitation program at Miami Seaquarium®. Seal & Sea Lion - The Seal & Sea Lion Feeder Pool is adjacent to the The Golden Dome, a Miami landmark designed by architect Buckminster Fuller. Throughout the day, guests may enjoy the Seal and Sea Lion Exhibit, where they can observe Sea Lions and Seals as they frolic in the South Florida sun. Daily feeding sessions provide the opportunity for guests to feed some of these playful and boisterous mammals. Discovery Bay - View sea turtles, Florida birds and other wild-life in a natural mangrove forest environment. Explore our sea turtle exhibit to learn more about the 5 endangered sea turtle species that live in Florida waters. The sea turtles featured are part of the rescue and rehabilitation program at Miami Seaquarium®. Tropical Wings - View a variety of tropical birds, including Cockatiels, Macaws, Flamingos and our resident peacock, Peeps. Listen carefully and one of our parrots may just greet you with a subtle “hello.” Our animal keepers are on hand to answer any questions you may have and tell you more about the birds we have on exhibit. Tropical Wings is also home to our Stingray Touch Pool. Tropical Fish Aquariums - Explore the stunning variety of tropical marine life that inhabits the aquariums lining the walls of the Top Deck Dolphin area. These aquariums feature an array of interesting fish species with unique characteristics. Explore a number of ocean creatures from Florida Lobsters that live in local reefs to the invasive Red Lion Fish which was recently discovered in Caribbean waters but are originally from the Pacific and Indian oceans. Crocodile Flats - Crocodylus niloticus, also known as Nile Crocodiles, are the center of attention in their home at Discovery Bay's Upper Island, known as Crocodile Flats. This exhibit is made up of 32 tons of rock, 72 tons of beach sand, coconut and sable palm trees. The crocodiles are 6 ½ to 8 feet long and when fully grown can reach a size of 16 feet and nearly 1,000 pounds. Their main diet consists of chicken, fish, and rabbit. Stingray Exhibit - Meet the newest creatures to call Miami Seaquarium® their home - Southern and Cownose Stingrays who have taken up residence in a new 10,000 gallon touch pool, located inside the Tropical Wings Exhibit at Miami Seaquarium®. The new interactive exhibit, gives park guests the opportunity to feed and feel the gentle glide of these amazing creatures at their fingertips. Daily feeding sessions provide the opportunity for guests to feed the Stingrays. Sharky's Sky Trail - Sharky’s Sky Trail is a multi-level aerial obstacle course that provides a challenging and fun experience for the whole family. Park guests will be able to climb three stories in the air to face 18 challenges including rickety bridges, suspended ropes and other balancing obstacles. While safely harnessed in an overhead track, you walk the planks and tiptoe the tightropes 32 feet above Miami Seaquarium®! Salty's Pirate Playground - Batten down the hatches and walk the plank at Salty’s Pirate Playground, a wet/dry playground area. The attraction consists of a two-level pirate ship, 31 feet by 27 feet, located at the center of a shark filled moat. The pirate ship, featuring water blasters, cargo nets, padded areas and a spiral slide, entertains buccaneers ages two through twelve. Shows Top Deck Dolphin - Thrill to the high-flying antics of bottlenose dolphins as they perform breathtaking leaps and rolls. Guests thrill to the acrobatics of these agile marine mammals as they brave “rough waters” during the Rock n’ Roll Cruise. The Top Deck dolphins can be viewed anytime throughout the day from above and below the water. Keep your eyes open you might be able to spot a baby dolphin depending on when you visit. Golden Dome Sea Lion - Enjoy the hilarious adventures of Salty the Sea Lion and his Reef Rangers. This comedic playlet allows the sea lion and seal stars to show off their athletic and comedic abilities as they explore the reef searching for a littering diver. You, too, can be a Reef Ranger by helping protect our waters from trash and recycling whenever possible. Flipper Dolphin Show - The new Caribbean themed show, with a new set, music, and behaviors will let everyone know what Flipper has been up to in recent years. While the show demonstrates that Flipper’s surroundings may have changed, his core commitment to helping out when there is a need has not. In addition, a new historic display of images and nostalgia from the original TV show will be on exhibit at the entrance of Flipper's stadium. Killer Whale & Dolphin - There’s only one place where you’ll find Pacific white-sided dolphins living, playing and performing alongside a killer whale! Be amazed and delighted by Lolita the Killer Whale and her exotic Pacific white-sided dolphin friends as they show off their natural grace, beauty and intelligence through the special relationship between animal and trainer.
Windsor Castle* Perched high above the River Thames, Windsor Castle has been home to 39 monarchs and is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. Explore the superb State Apartments, furnished with paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto and visit 14th Century St George’s Chapel, where tombs of ten sovereigns including Henry VIII rest in peace. Stonehenge Experience this incredible UNESCO World Heritage Site; one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in Europe. Take a step inside the Neolithic Houses and visit the world-class exhibition and visitor centre boasting over 250 ancient objects and treasures. Oxford Enjoy a guided walk of one of the most famous university cities in the world. Steeped in history, stunning architecture and medieval charm, wander the cobbled alleyways and experience the famous Bridge of Sighs, Trinity College, Ashmolean Museum and The Sheldonian Theatre. *Viewing at Windsor Castle is restricted on Sundays. On rare occasions, the State Apartments may be closed.
From the minute you reach the Six Flags’main entrance, you will step into a world of fun and thrills where adrenaline runs wild. Take your time to get to know all the park’s many different and stunning roller coasters. From the vertiginous heights of the wildly fast Superman el Ultimo Escape, to the twisted, twirling tracks of Batman the Ride, the variety of roller coasters in this park will take your senses to the limit. From atop all these rides, you will feel like the super heroes the rides are named after, flying way above the Mexican plains. Other breathtaking rides all adrenaline junkie must try out are the endearing Medusa and the wild Boomerang. Begin by screaming of fright – and end up screaming for more! Children will also greatly enjoy a visit to Six Flags thanks to its assortment of roller coasters for kids, such as the thrilling Junior Roller coaster or the Tsunami. As well as the 48 rides and family attractions that compose Six Flags, you will also enjoy some of the parks popular international shows, like Batman Begins, the Stunt Show and the Magic Light Parade. Please note: There are some extra activities available not included in the entrance fees such as: Go-karts, Van Helsing, Terminator X etc.
Una de las particularidades del Zoo de la Flèche es la diversidad de especies vegetales que alberga, y que contribuyen de forma natural al bienestar de los animales y los visitantes. Consciente de los riesgos que la flora representa para los animales, el Zoo se centra en su preservación y cuenta entre sus paisajes con más de 800 especies de plantas, todas cuidadosamente ubicadas de acuerdo con los ambientes recreados para los residentes del parque. Datos interesantes del zoo: Más de 400.000 de visitantes al año. 18 hectáreas dedicadas a los visitantes 90 toneladas de frutas y verduras al año 1500 animales de 160 especies diferentes 100 personas trabajan todos los días para el bienestar de los animales y el mantenimiento del parque Espectáculos y actividades asegurados durante toda la temporada Cerca de 100 nacimientos de animales por año.