Menú degustación Trio de Entrantes Rollos de vegetales BIO Gaspacho Hojaldre de queso de cabra caliente Surtido de 4 platos Sushi de lujo Salmón y juliana de verduras Pincho de pollo caramelizado Hachis Parmentier reconstruido Postres Gourmet Pastel de chocolate Ensalada de frutas Crème brulée Encontrará el menú detallado en la página web.
Wild Florida tiene una gran reputación en la seguridad de los tours en hidrodeslizador. Los buques son aprobados e inspeccionados anualmente por la Guaria Costera de los Estados Unidos. En cada hidrodeslizador hay chalecos salvavidas para todos los miembros del bote, extintores, una pistola de bengalas y un anillo salvavidas. En caso de accidente, hay un plan organizado de accidente. Disponible un informe de incidentes si es necesario. El muelle cumple la normativa ADA. Siempre hay una forma de comunicase con la base de operaciones y/o el 911 en cualquier lugar durante el tour. Seguridad en el Parque Gator and Wildlife: En caso de una mordedura de serpiente, hay un protocolo específico. Los animales tienen un seguimiento regulado por un veterinario. Hay un veterinario de guardia en todo momento. Hay un plan organizado para las emergencias. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Algunas de las exhibiciones que ofrecen el Parque Gator and Wildlife: Aviario de guacamayo y pavo real Exhibición de patos Entrada a la ciénaga de halcones Presentaciones de animales exóticos Plataforma de cocodrilos Exhibición de serpientes ¡y mucho más!
Es la exposición más grande del mundo dedicada a Shakespeare y el Londres en el que vivió y trabajó. Ubicada debajo del Globe Theatre en Bankside de Londres, la exposición explora la extraordinaria historia del Globe, y trae el mundo de Shakespeare a la vida mediante una serie de pantallas interactivas y demostraciones en vivo. Los visitantes de la exposición podrán descubrir cómo se producian los espectáculos en los teatros de la época de Shakespeare, la escritura, los ensayos, la música, la danza y la performance. También tienen la oportunidad de aprender sobre las artes tradicionales y las técnicas utilizadas durante el proceso de reconstrucción del Globe; también podrá averiguar cómo se producian los efectos especiales en la época de Shakespeare, escuchar grabaciones de algunas de las actuaciones más memorables de Shak o unirse al reparto y añadir su voz a una escena grabada por actores Globe. Para la exposición también se incluye una audioguía disponibl en inglés, francés, alemán, español, italiano, ruso, mandarín y japonés. Alternativamente hay un video equivalente disponible en lenguaje de signos británico con subtítulos en inglés. Para los más pequeños hay 45 minutos de pistas de audio en inglés especialmente diseñadas para ellos y también un recorrido para toda la familia. No hay acceso al teatro durante las actuaciones matinales. Los visitantes serán llevados al sitio arqueológico cerca del Teatro Rose.
Edinburgh Castle Great Hall The Great Hall was completed in 1511, as the nation’s chief place of ceremony and state assembly. An original hammerbeam roof dating from 1511 is just one fascinating feature of the impressive Great Hall. Guided Tours All visitors to the castle can join our popular guided tour free of charge. Filled with intriguing tales and castle secrets for all. The Honours of Scotland Top of the list for many visitors are The Honours of Scotland, the nation’s crown jewels. The crown, sceptre and sword of state are the oldest royal regalia in the United Kingdom. Mons Meg This mighty medieval siege gun is one of the world’s oldest, it could fire a gunstone almost two miles. Built at Mons, Belgium, she represented the cutting edge of military technology. National War Museum Scotland Discover the story of Scots at war over 400 years, revealed through personal mementoes, photographs and military objects. One o'clock Gun The One o’ Clock Gun was first fired from the Castle on 7 June 1861, and has continued ever since, six days a week, except during the two World Wars. Prisons of War Exhibition A highly acclaimed ‘Prisons of War’ experience in the castle vaults vividly recalls the conditions the 18th century captives endured. Royal Palace Its fine rooms were the home of Scotland’s royalty for centuries, where Queen Marie de Guise died in 1560 and her daughter Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to James VI in 1566. Royal Scots Regimental Museum Closed 16th - 22nd June. Explore the proud and exciting story of one of Scotland's most famous regiments. Scottish National War Memorial Originally opened in 1927, this is a memorial to Scots who died in both World Wars, and in later campaigns. Their names are listed here in the Roll of Honour. The Regimental Museum Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards An important collection illustrating the history of Scotland's only cavalry regiment and its English and Scottish antecedents dating back to 1678. The Stone of Destiny The Stone of Destiny is an important symbol of Scottish nationhood, and still plays a central role in all British coronations. It was the coronation seat of ancient Scottish kings. St Margaret's Chapel Take a quiet moment in St Margaret’s Chapel, built by David I around 1130 and the oldest building in Edinburgh. Views of Edinburgh Photo hotspots around the castle - capture stunning views of Edinburgh Royal Yacht Britannia This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences. Before you step on board the Royal Yacht Britannia, you will be given a complimentary audio handset that is full of captivating stories and provides a rare glimpse into the life of the British Royal Family. From Sir Winston Churchill to Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, some of the world’s most influential people have been welcomed aboard Britannia; now you can stand where they stood and see what they saw. You can choose to enjoy the tour in a wide range of languages. There is also a children’s tour in English, a version for the visually impaired and one for people with learning difficulties. Printed scripts are also available. Starting at the Bridge, the self-guided tour covers five of Britannia’s magnificent decks, taking you through the fabulous State Apartments and crew’s quarters, and ending in the gleaming Engine Room. The majority of items on board are the original pieces, which have been kindly loaned by the Royal Collection. Highlights of the tour include the State Dining Room, the Sun Lounge and the Officers’ Wardroom. Be prepared for a few surprises at Britannia. Look out for the on-board Garage housing one of Her Majesty’s Rolls-Royces. You will even be able to see inside The Queen’s Bedroom; a rare insight that is not possible at any other royal residence. In March 2009 we opened the Royal Deck Tea Room on board. Sit back and enjoy the stunning waterfront views as our friendly waiters serve light refreshments with speciality teas and coffees in spectacular surroundings. Back on dry land, our award-winning shop in Ocean Terminal has exclusive gifts and popular Britannia souvenirs as distinctive as Britannia herself. What will you choose to remember your visit
Ticket Combo Deal - With The Palace of Holyroodhouse What is included: Duration 1.5 hours Audio Guide/Headphones in Spanish, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian Highlights: Wonder around and take in the Queen's official residence in Scotland at The Palace of Holyroodhouse Learn about historicc events from Scotland's history in Mary Queen of Scots' chambers View with your very own eyes treasures from the Royal Collection Take a walk around the picturesque ruins of the 12th-century Holyrood Abbey Be at one with the Queen and visit rooms still used by the Queen for official engagements Description: The Palace of Holyroodhouse, the official residence in Scotland of Her Majesty The Queen, stands at the end of Edinburgh's Royal Mile against the spectacular backdrop of Arthur's Seat. This fine baroque palace is closely associated with Scotland's rich history. The Palace is perhaps best known as the home of Mary, Queen of Scots, and as the setting for many of the dramatic episodes in her turbulent reign. Mary was married at Holyroodhouse and witnessed the brutal killing of her secretary Rizzio by her jealous second husband, Lord Darnley, in her private apartments. The Palace briefly served as the headquarters of Bonnie Prince Charlie during the 1745 uprising. Palace of Holyroodhouse opening times: April to October - daily from 09:30-18:00 (last admission at 16:30); November to March - daily from 09:30-16:30 (last admission at 15:15).
¡Disfrute de un gran día en el zoológico de Chessington durante los fines de semana de noviembre de 2018 y enero de 2019, más 27-29 de diciembre de 2019 y 1 y 2 de febrero de 2019! La entrada incluye Entrada al zoológico de Chessington Entrada al centro de Chessington SEA LIFE. Ven cara a cara con los tigres y los gorilas, y nuestro nuevo Rey de la Selva Kamal mientras te aventuras por el Sendero de los Reyes. Descubra el fondo marino con tiburones y rayas en el centro SEA LIFE y no se olvide de visitar Wanyama Village & Reserve, donde Grevy's Zebra y la rara Scimitar Horned Oryx deambulan libremente ante sus ojos. También se ofrece una gran variedad de presentaciones de animales y reuniones, lo que le permite a usted y su familia acercarse a una variedad de criaturas exóticas, desde serpientes y suricatos, hasta arañas y binturongs. Tenga en cuenta: Esto no incluye la entrada al parque temático.