Never worry about forming your wraps with these Lion Rolling Circus Pre-Rolled Tips. These uniquely branded tips are the perfect accessory to any of your preferred papers. The convenient packaging showcases the Lion Rolling Circus astonishing and freaky artwork as well as an easy open and easy close top. Comes in your choice of a single pack which contains 120 tips or a whole box that contains 12 packs per box. Also available in Perforated booklets of 50 tips for the DIY roller!
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Hammercraft Grinders are perfect for a budget-minded smoker. These 40mm diameter grinders are high-quality and machined from a solid block of aircraft grade aluminum. All of these grinders contain powerful and rare earth magnets which keep the lid secure so that you get less spillage and waste. The four-piece grinder also features a pollen screen on the third tier with a catch chamber right below.
Oxford Schulheft Touch, Lineatur 27 / 28, Thekendisplay Display mit 5 Fächer bestückt mit Schulheften - 1 Stück (400104336)