Your ticket includes entry into the exhibitions in Glasnevin Cemetery Museum. You will also receive €5 worth of credit to perform genealogy searches on the cemetery’s extensive records. You can choose to visit the museum before or after your tour. We advise that you arrive at the museum reception at least 15 minutes before the start of your Tour. Please note, tour duration is at least 90 minutes. With your 365Tickets voucher you can enjoy a 10% discount at the Glasnevin Cafe. The O'Connell Tower is now open to visitors! You can now climb the O’Connell Tower – Ireland’s tallest round tower for the first time in over 45 years. As you pass through the ornate crypt of Daniel O’Connell, you begin the journey to the top of the monument built in his honour. After a comprehensive restoration programme, the staircase in the tower is now accessible, complete with an exhibition about the legendary figure himself and the fascinating history of the tower. Once at the top, you will enjoy 360 degree panoramic views of the sprawling grounds of the cemetery, the city of Dublin, Wicklow and the Irish Sea. Tower opening hours: 10am-5pm daily.
TOUR DETAILS Your tour begins right at your Las Vegas hotel, where your Certified Interpretive Guide will pick you up in one of our luxurious Pink Adventure Tour Trekkers. Ride in style through the Mojave Desert while you learn about its geology, ecology and history. Before you know it, you’ll arrive at Valley of Fire—Nevada’s first and largest state park. Covering over 40,000 acres, your expert guide will show you the best the park has to offer. Rainbow Vista showcases views of the aptly named Duck Rock and the White Domes. Don’t be surprised if these formations look familiar—you may have seen the Valley of Fire in films like Viva Las Vegas, The Professionals, Star Trek: Generations and Transformers. Your guide will offer all the details about the area’s Hollywood heritage. Nearby, towering 75-foot slot canyons provide a maze-like experience, cooler temperatures and amazing photographs. You’ll see Atlatl Rock where, thousands of years ago, indigenous people created mysterious artwork that is still visible today. Stone cabins created in the 1930s to provide respite for travelers create another picturesque point of interest. This site showcases the stunning colors and sculptural formations of Aztec stone. Elephant Rock provides another impressive photo op before a stop at the Visitor’s Center for souvenirs caps off your adventure-filled day. We want you to focus on fun, so your tour includes a full picnic lunch, bottled water and park entrance fees.
Cualquiera que desee adentrarse en un museo d ciencia multimillonario debe dirigirse a Golden Gate Park los jueves para poder disfrutar de la Entrada Nocturna a la Academia de Ciencias de California. Desde 2009, la Academia ha permanecido abierta hasta tarde una vez a la semana para darle a la multitud, de más de 21 años, un tour completo por las instalaciones, con una serie de eventos temáticos cambiantes y varios bares temporales repartidos por todo el edificio. Entretenimiento / Música Múltiples DJs y/o bandas de varios estilos (vinculados al tema de la noche) actúan en directo. Disfrutará de un museo de nueve-mil metros cuadrados lleno de increíbles exhibiciones, acuarios, una réplica de un bosque tropical, y la pantalla digital de proyección más grande del mundo en el planetario. Comida diversa Los puestos de comida ofrecen una gran variedad de aperitivos y platos principales que pueden cambiar semanalmente, pero generalmente incluyen fardos de cerdo, pollo con patatas fritas y platos vegetarianos. Hay disponible un salón privado bajo alquiler. Los visitantes deben tener 21 años o más para participar en esta experiencia.
The 2 hour excursion is a great way to see how you enjoy the sea and visa versa. When the whales and dolphins are close to the boat you can get excellent views through the glass bottom, or window in the catamaran but if they are a distance away you will get a good view of them from the deck. Whale watching is like fishing and it can't always be promised that you will see them but you have a better chance to see them in these waters than anywhere else in Europe. Through the glass bottom you will see plenty of fish and if the whales appear beneath the boat you will really see them up close and personal! As you sail on the crystal clear water you will be treated to spectacular views of the coastline and of the beautiful island. A perfect way to enjoy a family day out with sun on your face and a soft gentle and welcoming breeze blowing through your hair! Bon Voyage! Including on-board service: - Specialized guides on board. - Panoramic windows with submarine vision. - Live submarine TV. Don't forget to bring with you bathing suit, cap, sun creme and suitable shoes!
What the Constitution Means to Me takes the Broadway stage - experience the groundbreaking play about our country's most cherished document with tickets at
EL ESPECTÁCULO DE CRAZY HORSE Feminidad, creatividad y audacia... El Cabaret más Vanguardista de París revela sus encantos con un espectáculo llamado “Désirs” dirigido por el prestigioso coreógrafo francés Philippe Decouflé y el director artístico Ali Mahdavi. Dentro del inacabable tema de la feminidad, Désirs es una sucesión de matrices brillantes, sorprendentes, descaradas y con glamour. « Chuchotements », « Upside Down », « Rougir de désir » … las creaciones combinan la estética moderna con la absoluta: luces « made in Crazy », efectos especiales sorprendentes, disfraces preciosos y elegantes, nuevos ritmos musicales... ¡Inolvidable! Zula Zazou, Jade Or, Psykko Tico o Nooka Karamel: los bailarines con nombres quiméricos, la élite de la seducción con cuerpos perfectos y arqueados mantienen el misterio de su increíble belleza. su gracia inefable. En el escenario, las chicas de Crazy, sensuales y evocadoras de la leyenda, componen las estrellas de este cielo mítico de la noche parisiena. Désirs firma el eterno retorno de lo loco...