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Don't miss the Park Güell: it will really surprise you! You will not find any park like this one in the world! This architectural marvel, created in the middle of nature by Antoni Gaudí, was commissioned by Count Güell, who wanted him to design an elegant estate with family homes. Today it is a public park and it belongs to the city's heritage. It has been declared UNESCO’s World heritage site and is just another marvel that awaits you on your visit to Barcelona. When you go to Park Güell, you should enter by the big staircase dominated by the dragon decorated with mosaic of ceramic tiles, the Catalan style known as “trencadís”. This dragon is one of the most characteristic images of Barcelona. Originally written Park Güell (using the English spelling), the park is arranged around a large central square bordered by a snaking, “trencadís”-covered bench. Below the square, the roof is supported by 86 Doric columns, like trees, with paths between them, and viaducts on sloping columns: Gaudí's work, like no other, unites nature and architecture.
Le Trésor de Noa (El Tesoro de Noa): el nuevo espectáculo adecuado tanto para niños como adultos La Ciudad Marina le está esperando para que descubra su memorable manada de delfines. Contemple los espectáculos diarios y comparta un momento tierno y cómplice con los delfines. Le Trésor de Noa (El Tesoro de Noa) es un cuento para aprender las características de los delfines de una forma divertida (su anatomía, su comportamiento, cómo cazan, su vida en grupo...). Giros, saltos y efectos especiales se suman para ilustrar mejor la historia de Noa, la joven exploradora. Observe sus sesiones de juego en ciertos momentos del día. Luego aprofundice su visita pasando por una galería subacuática de 100 metros de largo, que ofrece unas vistas impresionantes de los delfines. Siga con la aventura pasando a través del puente de la jungla, situado a una altura de 6 metros y que mide 250 m de largo, mientras va en busca de una tribu de macacos que conviven con cerdos vietnamitas… Finalmente, descubre el nuevo Le Chemin de Brousse (El Camino del Arbusto): Esta ruta africana conocida como "Planeta Salvaje" le permite observar animales típicos e icónicos (suricatas, cálaos, grullas, ibis, dik-dik ...) en grandes áreas mientras cruza el puente de madera. El recorrido continúa con una visita a la Villa Africana, disfrute de sus cuentacuentos y de la percusión en cabañas (sólo en verano) y también encontrará jardines, animales domésticos y salas con reptiles. Luego saldrá del continente para visitar la hermosa isla de Madagascar, donde podrá observar a lémures moviéndose libremente entre los visitantes. Finalmente, la ruta le ofrece una experiencia única, ya que el camino le lleva a un mirador donde podrá observar rinocerontes, jirafas y antílopes.
So sah Mozart aus? So klein war Napoleon? Freud lauscht, Conchita singt, Cro rapped und Daniel Craig ist James Bond. Bei Madame Tussauds Wien treffen sich die Monarchen, Superstars und Spitzensportlern aus Österreich und der ganzen Welt und Du bist mittendrin. Noch nie warst Du Deinen Idolen so nah: Komm auf die Bühne mit Lady Gaga und Rihanna, tanz mit Michael Jackson, sing mit Freddie Mercury, Madonna und Co. Seit 2017 lernt Ihr hier Kaiserin Sisi von einer anderen Seite kennen: Sisi Uncovered – ein Erlebnis mit 5 Sinnen, eine Weltneuheit bei Madame Tussauds. Kaiserin Elisabeth - Sisi – wäre 2017 180 Jahre geworden. Aus diesem Anlass widmet Madame Tussauds Wien der facettenreichen Persönlichkeit einen eigenen Ausstellungsbereich. Mit modernster Visualisierungstechnik und 5D erlebt ihr einen Tag im Leben der unvergessenen Kaiserin. Sehen, Hören, Fühlen, Riechen und sogar Schmecken sind Teil des Erlebnisses! Bitte beachten Sie, dass Kinder unter 15 J. von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden müssen.
KidZania London is an indoor city built just for kids, offering 4-14 year olds over 60 exciting real life activities to choose from. BOOK NOW and secure discounted KidZania tickets and the chance to explore a world of opportunities. Special Offer Kids Go Half Price! Redemption Period: visits until 31st March 2019, including February half-term! Tickets Includes 4 hours entry to KidZania London Kids Can Learn Real-Life Skills at the UK’s First Educational Entertainment Experience 75,000sq ft. Child-Size City Located in Westfield London Over 60 Real-Life Role-Play Adventures Kids Can Become a Pilot, Computer Game Creator, Surgeon, Fire Fighter and More Kids Can Learn the Concepts of Saving and Spending Money Fun and Safe Environment Four Hour Experience – Parents Can Shop While Kids Play PLUS! 1 Day Westfield Shops plus Food & Drink VIP Pass: simply show your KidZania ticket for up to 20% off at participating stores. (Please visit the KidZania kisok for the latest list of discounts) Full Description KidZania London offers 4-14-year old’s the opportubity to experience real-life activities hands-on in a KidZania city spanning 75,000 square feet. Blending learning with reality and entertainment, each career at KidZania is developed to teach kids essential life skills including financial literacy, teamwork and independence. Designed to empower and entertain kids, KidZania gives children the chance to challenge themselves and explore the world of opportunities. If your child has ever dreamt of becoming a pilot, a firefighter or the next award-winning actor, watch the excitement on their faces as they try out real life activities! The concept effectively gives them their first taste of independence and gets kids thinking about what they might want to be in the future. experience. Children will also be able to visit the KidZania National Library, a permanent fixture following the World Book Day activities launched in partnership with Little Tiger Group. Here, children can earn kidZos by sorting books, ensuring they are ordered correctly and keeping books organized – just like a real librarian! Picture, pop-up, fiction and non-fiction books will be refreshed quarterly with new themes and book launches in the city. Please note: Children aged 8 and over can visit KidZania London without an accompanying adult Last entry is 4 hours before closing (KidZania closes at 7pm in school holidays) * IMPORTANT INFO: Please call KidZania on 0330 131 3330 to book your time slot as soon as you receive your 365Tickets special offer Voucher. Otherwise you may not secure your preferred time slot and be turned away. Queuing times at KidZania London during weekends and school holidays are longer than usual. Please ensure you have your Voucher reference number ready in order to secure your arrival time.
Appearing on dozens of television shows Penn and Teller pair the unique talents of Penn Jillette and Teller who is famously silent throughout their performances.