emsa Blumenkübel COUNTRY, Durchmesser: 300 mm, grau (H)260 mm, Erdvolumen: 13 Liter, aus Kunststoff, - 1 Stück (515266)
DauerblüherTechnische Daten: Blühfarbe: Mischung Reichweite: ca. 80 Pflanzen Wuchshöhe: 50-60 cm Pflanzabstand: 25 cm x 20 cm Pflanzzeit: Mai Blütezeit: Juli-Oktober Standortansprüche: sonnig Jährigkeit: einjährig Aussaatzeitraum: Februar-April im Warmhaus
Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Produktfarbe Schwarz Kompatible Produkte COBB Supreme
emsa Blumenkasten COUNTRY (B)500 mm, grün (B)500 x (T)170 x (H)150 mm, Erdvolumen: 9 Liter, aus - 1 Stück (515249)
This super-strong pond liner from PondXpert is manufactured out of LDPE. It is tough and tear-proof and resistant to UV rays. Despite being so durable it is very flexible and easy to fold into corners if you are considering an intricate pond design. /br> The pond liner is approximately 0.3mm and guaranteed to last 40 years or more. The liner is a tightly stitched core of LDPE which is then laminated on both sides. It is this special production process that means the liner is tearproof. Other liners that we have installed before generally suffer from a weakness of any small nicks/tears 'running' once the weight of the water is introduced into the pond.
Top quality pump & filter set whic is perfect for fish ponds up to 4,500 litres (1,000 gallons). We've paired our bestselling Lotus Green2Clean 6000 box filter with the highly regarded Hozelock Aquaforce 2500 pond pump (skimmer not included in this set). This system will keep your water clear and healthy and your fish happy! * Saving based on buying items individually.