Do you have crow’s feet? Discover Remescar Crow’s Feet, a unique eye cream to help deal with the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Remescar Crow’s Feet makes use of specialised eWRINK technology that aims to tighten, fill and stimulate the delicate skin for a more youthful appearance.
phoenix a2 personal percussion massage gun muscle massager athletic deep tissue massager muscle recovery replace for theragun.about the product.【multifunctional massage gun】: phoenix massage gun is used to relieve muscle stiffness and soreness, promote blood and lymph circulation. for athletes, it can accelerate recovery after workout and exercise injury. for personal or self use, it is a physical therapy gun, which can improve the overall health of the bodys soft tissues, prevent inflammation c
U-neck is a high tech, state of the art portable neck massaging device that is ergonomically designed to massage the muscles in your neck and relieve discomfort and strains, in order to soothe tension and restore the full range of movement to the affected area.
Amandier bio 50ml Herbalgem est un supplement alimentaire constitue d un macerat - mere concentre de bourgeons bio d Amandier prepares a l etat frais. L Amandier est tres actif dans la lutte contre les problemes circulatoires superieurs,il est utile dans les cas de coronarite et d arterite. Ilameliore la circulation sanguine et la fonction cardiaque. L Amandier aide a unebonne elimination des toxines(uree et acide urique). Produit du Laboratoire Herbalgem. Conseils d utilisation : avaler 5 a 15 gouttes par jour, pures ou diluees dans de l eau de source. Ne pas depasser la dose journaliere indiquee. Precautions : Complement alimentaire ne se substituant pas a une alimentation variee et equilibree, ni a un suivi medical. Ce produit n est pas un medicament. Tenir hors de portee des enfants. Ingredients/INCI : Bourgeons d Amandier (Prunus amygdalus), Alcool (35 % vol.), Eau, Glycerine vegetale. Produits issus de l agriculture biologique. Amandier bio 50ml Herbalgem.