50 Knöpfe/Buttons (50 Vorderseiten und 50 Rückseiten) mit Öse, ca. Ø 16 mm. Gestalten Sie sich mit Stoffkreisen und dem passenden Button-Werkzeug Ihre eigenen Knöpfe!
SBS60 series sockets featuring the dynamic drive profile, for higher efficiency and an optimal grip without damaging the bolts and nuts. Manufactured from vanadium-extra steel, with nickel and matt chrome-plated finish.1/4in square drive. DIN 3124 / ISO 2725. 1/4in 10 DIN 3120 / ISO 1174.Size: 9mm.
3 x Übernachtung , inklusive 1 Kind bis 12 Jahre im Extra-Bett ohne Berechnung, jeweils inklusive Frühstück vom reichhaltigen Buffet, 1 x kleine Überraschung für Ihr Kind, 1 x Tages-Ticket (Familie / Bad) für das Erlebnisbad Mona Mare in Monheim, kostenfreie Nutzung des hoteleigenen Parkplatzes, kostenfreie Nutzung des WLAN
A simple 3 step routine for perfectly rejuvenated skin, perfect for your regular grooming routine or before a night out. This set contains: 1 x Barber Pro Foaming Cleansing Mask (20g): A self-foaming, detoxifying mask with Activated Charcoal for deep pore and blackhead cleansing. 1 x Barber Pro Skin Renewing Foil Mask with Hyaluronic Acid & Q10 (25ml): A hydrating & brightening self-warming foil sheet mask enriched with anti-aging collagen which helps to renew skin cells and combat the signs of dull, tired skin. 1 x Barber Pro Under Eye Mask (3.5g): An anti-aging formula with Activated Charcoal, Volcanic Ash and Marine Based Collagen to combat fine lines, wrinkles and reduce the appearance of dark circles. Use to calm and soothe tired, puffy eyes while increasing elasticity and firmness.
J'aime mon cheval Un livre ? petit prix pour tout conna??tre sur le cheval. Tous les conseils pour bien s'en occuper. Des activit??s et des jeux. Auteur : Irena Aubert Dans la m??me collection : Mon chien Mon lapin nain Ma tortue Mon chat Mon hamster...
Faithfull Long series pin punch with extended parallel shank, used for the removal of tight pin and metal dowels from mechanical fittings and machinery. Designed for heavy-duty use and are made from uniformly heat treated tool steel with a round head and a knurled body for a firm grip. Set of 8 includes: 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4, 4.8, 6, 8 and 10mm. Pin length: 90mm (3.1/2in).Overall length: 200mm (8in).Size: 3.2mm (1/8 in)