Die Kombipatrone von ONLINE – die passt immer! So kann die dünne Seite für ONLINE und alle Standard-Füllersysteme und die dicke Seite für LAMY-Patronenfüller verwendet werden. Die hochwertige Tinte – königsblau, löschbar – garantiert intensive Schreibfarbe in gleichbleibender Qualität, in vielen, verschiedenen Schreibfarben erhältlich. 4 Päckchen à 5 Patronen im Maxi-Pack, mit Rabazzi-Sammelpunkten.
Vivo Straight Office Desk- 1800mm- Oak The Vivo desk is an ideal choice for any office, home office or study This straight desk is 800mm deep, and is recommended for use as a single unit, or as part of a larger desking cluster and would be ideal as an addition to the end to the ergonomic or wave desks in the Vivo range. features two cable access ports silver cantilever legs with removable panels for access to your cables as needed also available in beech, maple, walnut and white supplied flat packed for easy home assembly
HSM Verpackungspolstermaschine ProfiPack P425 verarbeitet ausgediente Kartonagen zu Polstermatte oder - 1 Stück (1531154)
The Tuscan High Back Leather Office Chair The Tuscan leather faced office chair has a unique shaped back and headrest for extra comfort Features of the Tuscan office chair Black PU chair with head support Nylon 5 star base with 50mm easy glide castors Weight capacity 115kg Pivot Arms Gas Lift Adjustment Weight Tension Control Standard Tilt Lock
Blackout privacy filters are designed for use in open, high-traffic environments where on-screen data needs to be kept private. The technology makes on-screen information visible only to persons directly in front of the screen without blurring or distorting the image.With mobile devices being used more in public, privacy protection has become an increasingly important issue. Shoulder surfing as it has become labelled, is a growing form of identity theft in which private on-screen information is either viewed or photographed over the shoulders of anyone using a mobile device. Whether you use a smartphone, laptop or tablet, you can protect your privacy in public with PrivaScreen™ Filters. PrivaScreen™ Filters blackout the screen image when viewed from 30º side angles to prevent prying eyes from reading your screen. Yet on-screen data is clearly visible from a straight-on view, allowing you to work worry-free, even on the go.To find the perfect privacy screen for your computer click here.DimensionsAspect Ratio - 16:10Diagonal (inch) - 15.4Width (inch) - 13.06Width (mm) - 332Height (inch) - 8.19Height (mm) - 208Privacy filter fits widescreen laptops with a diagonal screen measurement of 15.4 inch (viewable area only), 16:10 aspect ratio, easy to attach and remove, reduces screen glare to help prevent eye strain, blackout side view when viewed from a 30º side angle, protects screen from scratches and fingerprints, 100% recyclable
UHU Klebefilm rollafix invisible, 19 mm x 25 m hochwertiger, unsichtbarer Klebefilm, beschriftbar und - 1 Stück (36950)