Würzige fruchtige Wärme, angenehme Fülle, erinnert an Sauerkirschen und schwarze Johannisbeeren. Passt zu: Rind- und Schweinefleischgerichten, Hähnchen-Gemüse-Topf.
These coils are perfect for advanced vapers who may not have the time to build, or any vapers looking to experience the quality vaping experience that comes from the more advanced coils. Name: Pre-made Coil Wire Coil AWG 24GA Resistance 0.5ohm Wire Diameter 0.51mm Quantity 100
The MELO 4 atomizer features an all-new EC2 series coil which is the upgraded version based on original popular EC coils, bringing you ultimate vaping experience with nice flavor. The retractable top fill system makes it really easy to fill the tank. You just need to slide the drip tip back and it reveals the fill port. The dual large air inlets allow optimal airflow for great vapor production. Not only does the MELO 4 come in various colors for your choice. Glass tank 4.5ml juice capacity Convenient retractable top filling design All-new EC2 series coils with optimal flavor Dual adjustable bottom airflow for huge cloud Detachable structure for easy cleaning 510 threading connection 25mm overall diameter Brand: iSmoka Eleaf Model MELO 4 D25 Tank Capacity 4.5ML Diameter 25mm Size 53 x 25mm Weight 52g
Sattes Purpurrot, intensive Aromen von dunklen Beerenfrüchten und Schattenmorellen, feinwürzige Röstnoten. Gut strukturiert, komplex, feinkörniges Tannin, harmonisch. Passt zu: herzhaften Fleischgerichten, pikanten Fleischterrinen, würzigem Nudelauflauf und mittelreifem Hartkäse.
The Aspire Feedlink Revvo Squonk Kit consists of a Feedlink squonk mod and a new Revvo Boost BF tank. The Feedlink is a single 18650 battery bypass firing mod with all the quality and safety features you have come to expect from Aspire. The ergonomic design of Feedlink makes it a delicate device in palms. The kit comes with a 7ml squeeze bottle for large juice capacity. The bottom feeding Revvo Boost Tank features top airflow and 2ml capacity. It also adopts innovative flat ARC coil for better flavor. 0.86-inch OLED Screen Top airflow with bottom feeding 2ml tank juice capacity 7ml food-grade silicone squeeze bottle Innovative ARC coil BF pin compatible with most squonk mods Top fire button with battery life indicator Powered by 1 x 18650 (Sold Separately) Temperature range 100¡ã- 315¡ãC/200¡ãF - 600¡ãF 24mm overall diameter 21mm internal diameter Brand: Aspire Tank capacity 2.0ml Bottle capacity 7.0ml Output voltage 3-4.2V Tank diameter 24mm Coil ARC(0.1-0.14ohm) Coil Size 124 x 48 x 30mm