¿Cómo funcionan los viajes compartidos? Si usted se va a ir del Aeropuerto JFK: diríjase al mostrador de traslados de su terminal y presente el comprobante de Go Airlink NYC que ha impreso anteriormente. También tienen teléfonos gratuitos en la cinta de recogida de maletas de cada terminal. El conductor recoge a los pasajeros según las terminales. Debe saber que si usted esta en la primera terminal donde va a parar el conductor, va a poder escoger el asiento del vehiculo pero va a tardar un poco de tiempo ir a otras terminales recogiendo a otros pasajeros antes de irse. Después de que todos los pasajeros hayan sido recogidos de sus respectivas terminales, el conductor va a dejarles en su destino, primero en las destinaciones más cercanas y después en las más lejanas. Si su destinación es la que está más lejos, tendrá que esperar a que los otros clientes sean dejados en sus respectivas localizaciones ates de llegar a la suya. Porfavor, recuerde que el viaje llevará su tiempo. Porvafor, tenga en cuenta el tráfico cuando haga su reserva. Porfavor, tenga en cuenta que no podemos controlar el trafico, ni retraso en vuelos, ni circunstancias imprevistas que puedan alargar el tiempo de viaje. Los viajes compartidos de Go Airlink NYC del Aeropuerto JFK trasladan: Hasta 11 pasajeros Viajes compartidos con otras personas, permite conocer gente nueva y relacionarse/socializarse Son respetuosos con el medio ambiente, contaminan menos. Es económico, ¡ahorra dinero! Permite conocer gente nueva y relacionarse/socializarse Servicio puerta a puerta Servicio de transporte 24horas/7días a la semana Equipaje permitido: 1 maleta por persona y 1 bolsa de mano por persona.
Eröffnungsabend Party Seien Sie live mit dabei, bei der spektakulären Opening Night Party. Treffen Sie sich mit Preisträgern wie Angelina Jolie und George Clooney. Erfahren Sie den neuesten Klatsch und stehen Sie in Pose, während Sie sich mit den berühmtesten A-Promis der Welt auf dem roten Teppich tummeln. Film Beleuchtung! Kamera! Aktion! Drehen Sie zusammen mit Marilyn Monroe oder fungieren Sie als Bruce Willis 'Stunt Double. Lassen Sie die denkwürdigsten Momente des Kinos wieder aufleben, von klassischen Filmen des Goldenen Zeitalters bis hin zu herzzerreißenden Blockbustern! Fernseher Wähle deine Traumrolle am Set mit den größten Stars aus dem TV! Berichten Sie live mit Anderson Cooper, bevor Sie es sich auf Oprahs Couch für ein ausführliches Interview bequem machen. Es ist Zeit, Fernsehgeschichte zu schreiben! Kultur Nehmen Sie eine Stunde bei einigen der größten Intellektuellen der Geschichte! Studieren Sie E = MC2 mit Einstein, lassen Sie sich von Maya Angelou inspirieren und erkunden Sie Ihre abstrakte Seite mit Salvador Dalí. Die Gallerie Einflussreichste Persönlichkeiten erwarten Sie in der Galerie! Bevor Sie die Geschichte neu schreiben, sollten Sie sich einige Momente mit den historischen Gästen wie George Washington, Prinzessin Diana, Nelson Mandela, Präsident Obama und Präsident Trump einlassen. Marvel Super Heroes 4D Experience Treten Sie in die oberste geheime Kommandozentrale ein, um Ihre Kräfte neben dem Hulk, Spider Man, Thor und mehr freizuschalten. Bestehen Sie Ihre Tests und kommen Sie zum aufregenden Finale, der Marvel Super Heroes Cinema 4D Film Experience. Sportzone Fordern Sie Carmelo Anthony auf dem Platz heraus, boxen Sie mit Evander Holyfield, treten Sie zu Derek Jeter, oder rufen Sie Eli Manning in der Sports Zone an. Sehen Sie, wie Sie sich mit einigen der größten Legenden der Sportgeschichte messen können! Music Zone Im Mittelpunkt der immersiven Music Zone. Lassen Sie Beats mit Diddy fallen, schlagen Sie es mit Katy Perry aus und gehen Sie Gaga auf der Bühne. PROJEKT LAUFSTEG Hier ist es möglich: Seien Sie am selben Tag Fashionista, Stylist und Model! Fühlen Sie sich als Teil der Show. Madame Tussauds New Yorks völlig neue, fantasievolle Modeerfahrung begrüßt eine brandneue Figur eines berühmten Supermodels, Modedesigners und Stars des Project Runway ™, Heidi Klum! Wenn Sie unseren Modeworkshop in New York besuchen, werden Sie von der atemberaubenden Heidi Klum begrüßt! Hier haben Gäste die Möglichkeit, innerhalb der Modewelt zu interagieren, indem sie digitale Touchscreen-Skizzenbücher verwenden, um wie ein echter Designer zu arbeiten. Wählen Sie aus einer Reihe von Outfits, Mustern und Styles, um Ihren ganz eigenen Couture-Look zu kreieren. Gegen Ende dieser Modereise haben neue Designer die Möglichkeit, Fotos auf dem Titelbild des Marie Claire ™ -Magazins zu machen! Oh, und verpass nicht deine Chance, ein Superstar zu werden und den Laufsteg voller Paparazzi entlangzulaufen.
La experiencia tendrá una duración total de aproximadamente 1 hora. Incluye: Check-in Instrucción de seguridad Vuelo de unos 15 - 17 minutos en helicóptero El Customer Experience Center incluye: History exhibit de Chicago Flight simulator Sala con vistas al helipuerto Juegos interactivos Tentempié y refrigerios para comparar El Chicago Helicopter Experience opera con una flota de helicópteros Airbus AStar. La aeronave tiene capacidad para 6 pasajeros a parte del piloto, además de estar equipada con clima. Con esta experiencia disfrutará de unas claras vistas sentado en unos asientos amplios mientras escucha la narración del piloto a través de los auriculares de cancelación de ruido. Todos los tours salen y regresan desde/a: Chicago Helicopter Experience, 2420 South Halsted Street. Aparcamiento gratuito delante del Customer Experience Center. Hay disponible la recogida en hoteles del centro de Chicago por un coste adicional. Términos del Ticket: Peso máximo por pasajero de 113kg. Niños a partir de 3 años. Check-in 30 minutos antes del horario de salida del tour. Los pasajeros que se encuentren bajo los efectos de drogas o alcoholno se les permitirá realizar el tour – no se les devolverá el dinero. Los horarios de los vuelos son orientativos y susceptibles a las condiciones climáticas. En el caso que su vuelo se cancele por las inclemencias del clima, su ticket podrá ser reprogramado o reembolsado por el importe total.
Languages: Chinese - Mandarin & Cantonese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish Advisories: A prime time supplement is in effect on this tour for all departures between 9:00am and 11:30am. Sample Itinerary: Clients are picked up 1 to 1.5 hours prior to departure, depending on hotel location Clients arrive at Boulder Terminal for check-in. All passengers 18 years of age and older must present a valid government issued photo ID Clients board the airplane. Flight time is approximately 70 minutes round trip Enjoy the scenic route with views of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Colorado River, and Grand Canyon West Arrive at Boulder Terminal Transfer to hotel Airplane Flight: Scenic route with views of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, the Colorado River and Grand Canyon West Please Note: Passengers weighing 300lbs (136.36kg / 21.43 stone) or more will be charged a fee for an additional comfort seat. This fee is based on the product and ranges from $50 to $200.
Additional Info: Visiting Gulliver’s Gate Location: 216 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 (between 7th & 8th Avenue) Hours of Operation: Open Daily. Duration: There’s a lot you’ll want to see at Gulliver’s Gate and we want your guests to take their time enjoying our miniatures. A typical visit is 1.5 to 2 hours but you are welcome to stay as long as you’d like! Inclusions: Your ticket includes general admission, a lanyard & key that will allow you to interact with our models (i.e. turn on lights, move cars within our models, etc.), and a complimentary map. Guests have 6 months from the date of purchase to redeem their ticket. Types of Experiences at VR World There are a wide variety of experiences for all types of people. Some will enjoy shooting droids in space and fighting off zombies to racing on a track, while others will enjoy flying on a paraglider or climbing a mountain. Others still will enjoy watching short films or painting in the green room. Some experiences require full body motion while others are seated activities. Queues Each participant gets approximately 5-10 minutes at each experience. Most experiences have a tablet that keeps track of the queue for that experience. Participants can only wait in one queue at a time. However, there are some experiences that have no queue and can be done at any time, even while waiting in a queue for something else. Participants who checked in a with their own phone number will receive a text message when it is their turn in line Checking in At the gate, each participant will sign up using their real name, a screen name, an email, a phone number, and other pieces of information. While not required, if a participant signs up with their own phone number, they will receive a notification when they are at the the front of the queue for their attraction. After this process, participants will be given a wristband that will be used to check into the queue at any VR experience and are free to explore the entire space. Food and Drink There are offering a wide selection of non-alcoholic drinks, beer, wine and liquor. Our house cocktails will not disappoint. Try the VRWorldian, Simon’s Escape, Caipirinha Assassin or Salty Borzoi to name just a few. No food at this time. There is no food inside the building, but guests are able to leave and re-enter the building during the time of their ticket.
London Eye At 450ft high, the London Eye is the world's highest observation wheel. 32 Capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Combine your experience with the London Eye River Cruise Experience, a 40-minute sightseeing circular cruise on the River Thames, passing the Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. London Eye 4D Experience The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to the London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colourful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of the London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on he London Eye itself. Tower Bridge Exhibition Tower Bridge Unveils New GLASS FLOOR Across High-Level Walkways Launched in the West Walkway today, the glass floor offers visitors a never-seen-before view of London life, from 42 metres above the River Thames. Look down to spy road and pedestrian life whizzing over the Bridge while river vessels sail under it – and plan your visit in advance for the truly magical experience of the bascules being raised beneath your feet. The glass floor measures 11 metres long by 1.8 metres wide and comprises of six panels weighing 530 kilograms each. It is made up of five thick layers and can hold the equivalent weight of an elephant and two taxis! The installation took a 20-strong team to construct it over a six week period. The Walkways also offer stunning panoramic views of London while each of the 20 bridges featured in our popular and refreshed 'New Great Bridges of the World' display showcase a breath-taking feat of engineering. After learning about the history of the Bridge through animations and displays in the Towers, continue to the Victorian Engine Rooms for the beautifully maintained steam engines that were once used to power the bridge lifts. Over 100 years ago, the Victorians built a bridge that has become one of London's most famous landmarks. High level walkways were built to allow people to cross the Thames whilst the Bridge was lifted to let tall ships sail past - Tower Bridge Today these Walkways act as viewing galleries, giving visitors the most spectacular views across an ever changing London skyline. Walkways & Exhibition: Visitors enter Tower Bridge Exhibition via the North Tower. They are then transported by lift to the top of the Tower (47 metres above the Thames) where they have a unique opportunity to see the Bridge’s steel skeleton from within. A short film explains the history and provenance of the Bridge and then there is the chance to admire the spectacular views – from both covered Walkways. On the east Walkway there are fantastic views of the Docklands and from the west Walkway you can see the new GLA building, the Tower of London, St Paul’s, the city, the Pool of London and Big Ben and the London Eye in the distance. Interactive computerised kiosks and graphic panels explain the significance of the views to visitors, as well as providing more information on the history and building of the Bridge. The interactive material and graphic panels are written in seven languages and an audio loop for the hard of hearing is also in place for the video show. There is another film to view in the South Tower before descending for the short walk to the historical Engine Rooms, included in your ticket price. Victorian Engine Rooms: These provide a fascinating insight into late 19th century engineering. Installed for the completion of Tower Bridge in 1894, these huge, and beautifully maintained, coal-driven engines were used to power the thousands of bascule Bridge lifts performed until 1976. Although lifts are now operated by electricity, the original steam engines are still in place. The Engine Rooms give visitors a chance to experiment with models demonstrating the technology behind the Bridge. There are also some amazing photographs of Tower BridgeTthroughout its lifetime – including a revealing picture of the heavy steel structure of the Bridge as the stone cladding was installed over it.