emsa Blumenkübel SIENA NOBILE, Durchmesser: 260 mm, perlweiß (H)190 mm, Erdvolumen: 7 Liter, aus Kunststoff, - 1 Stück (512668)
The Green2Clean 24000 offers tremendous value for money for those pondkeepers wanting to look after a medium/large pond. This filter can keep a pond volume of 24,000 litres clean and healthy. If keeping goldfish then the capacity is reduced to 16,000 litres (8,000 litres if keeping koi). Always popular due to it's low price, this filter offers a large amount of filter media necessary when keeping a big pond. It also boasts a powerful 25 watt UVC to help prevent the water from going green.
The Claber Micro-Sprinkler Strip will allow you to water right-angled corners with ease. The Micro Sprinkler Strip can be connected into the 1/2 inch (13 - 16 mm) main tube, alternatively you can install onto the 1/4 inch (4 - 6 mm) feeding tube. Easily fitted on to rigid risers for overhead installation, where needed. 10 piece pack.
Rainbow Alloy Metal Hand Spinner Finger Spiral Bearing EDC Anti Stress Desk Toys
Gartenhaus in stabiler Blockbohlenbauweise, 28 mm Wandstärke, mit 19 mm Massivholzdach und Massivholzboden, Dachüberstände: rundum je ca. 40 cm Bemaßung: Wandhöhe 214 cm, Firsthöhe 276 cm Fenster: 2 extra hohe Dreh-/ Kippfenster mit Kreuzsprossen Rahmen-Einzeltür (lichtes Maß Türöffnung): B 80 cm x H 173 cm Dachbelag: Bitumen-Dachbelag zur Ersteindeckung Das 149-Gartenhaus ist die ideale Ecklösung. Es lässt sich als kreativ gestaltete Ruheinsel sehr gut in Ihren Garten integrieren. 19 mm Massivholz-Satteldach mit Bitum-Dachbelag, 60 cm Vordach19 mm starker Massivholzboden2 extra hohe Dreh-/ Kippfenster mit Kreuzsprossen, hcohwertige Rahmen-DoppelürFirsthöhe: 262 cm Seitenwand: 210 cmin verschieden Größen erhältlich (BxT):Gr. 1 : 238 x 238 cm Gr. 2 : 298 x 298 cm
Always a top seller and now on a special limited promotion. The Aquaforce 8000 is perfect as a waterfall or filter pump for garden ponds. It would suit ponds up to 16,000 Litres (3,500 gallons) max . The Titan pump from Hozelock was traditionally our bestseller - then, after 3 years of research the "Aquaforce" arrived. The new ‘Eco’ motor is highly economical and we have every confidence that this pump will be the right one for you.