Introducing the Shorty Water Pipe! This compact and dapper glass piece packs a punch despite its size. Each bubbler is under 5" tall and is made of a high-quality glass. These glass pieces also feature a bent neck for ease and comfort when smoking and a large, sturdy base. Each one comes with our iconic Hippie Butler Bowtie logo on the front and a small unique colored diffusor inside. Dont miss out on these dashing and unique little rigs! Each order comes in your choice of a black, blue, yellow, white, or green accented glass rig. This glass piece has a 10mm Male joint that will fit 10mm Female accessories and replacements.
Show off your class and style with this Hippie Butler tuxedo themed rolling tray. With its size of 7 3/4" by 5 1/2", theres enough room to store any of your accessories!
ROTH Schultütenschleife ""Fresh Green"", grün für Jungen, fertig gebunden, im Blister, Maße: (B)230 x - 1 Stück (679264)
Enjoy a smooth smoke when you use this fun but iconic Sherlock pipe. Conveniently shaped to stand so that you dont need to worry about it, this pipe is made of high-quality silicone that is easy to clean and care for. Youre sure to fall in love with this wonderfully crafted pipe when you enjoy your smokes with it! Enjoy a whimsical yet distinguished smoking experience with this pipe. Colors may vary.
Oxford Notizbuch OpenFelx mit transparentem Deckel. Die spezielle ""OpenFlex-System"" bietet eine Schließung bis 90 Grad und Öffnung bei 180 Grad an. Hauptmerkmale Artikelbezeichnung Oxford Notitzbuch ""Openflex"", 240 x 320 mm, 96 Seiten, 90 g-m2, gebunden mit Heftklammer, kariert-liniert Hersteller Oxford Grammatur 90 g/m² Art Kariert liniert Anzahl 4 Stück Farben rot / pink / lila / gelb
transotype Stifteetui ""senseBag Pen"", für 3 Stifte, creme aus cremefarbenem, hochwertigem Leinengewebe, Schlaufen - 1 Stück (76038003)