Kinder-Aktivitäts-Board für Grundfertigkeiten Lernen Umweltschutz Filzspielzeug für Kinder Frühkindliche Bildung Lehrmittel Ankleiden Lern-Board-Tasche für Jungen und Mädchen
The Raw Hemp Wick Roll is 10 feet of high quality, pure hemp wick for clean smooth smoking. This product is made from hemp and natural beeswax and rolled into a 10ft roll and is used as an alternative for lighting your combustibles. To use, simple pull the sting from the middle and light once with a lighter then use the wick to light your smokeable, then simply tilt the string to control your flame. Want more hemp wick? Check out RAWs 20ft Hemp Wick Roll!
This majestic 12" Clear Straight Base with Disc Water Pipe by GRAV is sure to standout amongst your growing glass collection. This beautiful water pipes most alluring feature is its disc perc which forces the smoke through very tiny holes filtering out any impurities and giving you the smoothest draws. After that the smoke is filtered around the geometric ice pinch which not only holds ice for extra cooling, it also prevents splash back. Included with each piece is a 14mm cup bowl to hold your favorite legal smoking herbs and complete the perfect smoking set up. This glass piece has a 14mm female joint that will fit 14mm male accessories and replacements.