KKmoon TU-2021 Precise Pelacables / cortador Herramienta Clamp & Steel cable de alambre de corte alicates herramienta de pelado 22-10AWG
Masajeador muscular eléctrico de 12 V Percusión portátil Vibrante Pistolas de masaje potentes Masajeador muscular de tejido profundo de mano para cuello Espalda Hombros Pie pierna
5 en 1 Pro Stitching Groover y arrugando el borde biselado, juegos de bricolaje de cuero y cuero, madera y acero Herramienta de mano
The Bahco S4RM ratcheting spanners are made from top quality forged steel, nickel which is then chrome-plated in a matt-finish for a smooth and secure grip. Easy to use, these spanners simply grip the nut or bolt being removed or replaced, the ratcheting spanner heads are sized either side of each spanner for the desired size of nut or bolt, then just push the direction lever to remove or replace the nut or bolt with ratchet action. They are an ideal option for motor mechanics, motor cycle repairs etc., as these spanners can be used in awkward places and minimal movement action is required to use them.This ratcheting set comprises 3 spanners covering 12 sizes is supplied in a fabric carry case with belt loop for easy transportation and storage. Sizes: 8 x 9 x 10 x 11mm, 12 x 13 x 14 x 15mm and 16 x 17 x 18 x 19mm.
Monument Plastic Pipe Cutter effective on PVC, polybutylene, MDP, polyethylene, HEP20®, plastic overflow pipe, plastic electrical conduit, supertube, mini trunking, rubber hose, pneumatic pipe and electrical sleeving. Simply place the cutter over the pipe to be cut and gently twist while you depress the handles to get a good clean cut.Monument Plastic Pipe Cutter. Maximum Pipe Size: 60mm.
The Faithfull FAIDOWKIT10 Dowel Kit contains the following: 1 x brad point drill bit1 x drill stop collar. 2 x dowel centre points.1 x hex key.12 x 6 mm fluted dowel pegs.