Tiefdunkles Rubinrot mit jugendlichem, violetten Rand. Saftiges Bouquet aus roten Früchten und sanften Holztönen. Weiche, prägnant würzige Frucht am Gaumen mit Anklängen von roten Kirschen, schwarzen Johannisbeeren und Blaubeeren. Dazu schön eingebundene weiche Tannine, viel Fülle mit ausgewogener Säure und fester Struktur. Passt zu: geschmortem Wildschwein, gebratenem Wildgeflügel oder kräftigem Hartkäse.
Kirschrote Farbe mit Purpurreflexen. Reichhaltiges Bukett mit Aromen reifer Früchte Brombeeren, Pflaumen und dezenten Noten von neuem Holz, Würzaromen. Im Mund körperreich und elegant, mittellanger Abgang. Passt zu: Gegrilltem und Gebratenem.
Organic 37% Cocoa Milk Chocolate Buttons. The neck of this jar is carefully designed to ration the speed of giant button delivery fast or very fast! We like our Giant Chocolate Buttons to be the ultimate social chocolate. Spread around the joy of great chocolate in a button and don't be shy about offering them around, although you may want to hide half the packet first! All are fabulous and will make more well known buttons pale in their shadow. 900g Large Jar
Les gelules Proto-Col Green Magic utilisent un puissant melange de 16 superaliments pour favoriser la vitalite interieure. Contenant de la Spiruline et de la Chlorella ainsi que de la Pectine de Pomme, 1 dose de gelules de Proto-Col Green Magic a une valeur ORAC de 1839. Elles sont vegetales et ne c
Taking place once a day (except on Sunday), with an arrival time of 10am, our Whisky and Chocolate Tasting Tour includes our full Aberfeldy Distillery tour, but instead of culminating in a single whisky tasting, at about 11.15am you’ll enjoy a whisky and chocolate tasting tray of 3 fine Scotch whiskies, each expertly matched with an artisan single origin dark chocolate disc for a luxurious whisky and chocolate tasting experience. Take a guided tour of Dewar’s Aberfeldy Distillery to discover how we make the beautifully balanced single malt at the heart of Dewar’s blended Scotch. Visit the warehouse to learn more about the angels’ share and our unreasonable commitment to quality – double aging whisky for a richer, smoother flavour. Also included is an interactive heritage exhibition offering a unique insight into founders; John Dewar and his sons, Tommy and John Alexander. Return to the Whisky Lounge for a comparative whisky and chocolate tasting tray featuring 15ml samples of Aberfeldy 12 year old single malt whisky, premium Dewar’s 12 year old blended Scotch, and super-premium expression of Dewar’s – Dewar’s 18 year old, each paired by their Master Blender, Stephanie Macleod, to a unique single origin dark chocolate. Chocolate discs are handmade in the nearby village of Acharn, just 6 miles from our distillery, by local chocolatier Charlotte Flower. Charlotte has worked hard for us to source some of the finest chocolates from around the world. The final selection was made by their Master Blender, Stephanie Macleod, [Icons of Whisky Master Blender of the Year 2018] who hand-selected each chocolate to enhance the enjoyment of the whiskies she has created. The honeyed-richness of Aberfeldy and the smoothness of the double-aged Dewar’s blends make them the perfect companions to fine artisan chocolate – this is a whisky and chocolate tasting experience not to be missed. Take time to explore the heritage centre and enjoy a dram in the whisky lounge (over 18s only!).
Estilo:Tienda; Características:A prueba de Viento,Estuche; Fuego:Fuego Doble; Material:Metal; Color:Negro; Dimensiones (cm):157.56; Peso (kg):0.274; Contenido del Paquete:1 Encendedor