Barra libre durante todo el crucero: cerveza, sangría, cava y refrescos Las dos salidas por la mañana incluyen la bebida y snacks, aunque si lo prefiere, existe una salida por la tarde que solo incluye la bebida. Apto para todas las edades.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show… with Mickey and Friends! At Disney Village® Mickey and his friends –Minnie, Goofy and Chip & Dale – invite guests to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show! They will take the audience back to the time of the Old West to meet Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull, Annie Oakley and the Rough Riders. Upon arrival, guests are greeted by Mickey and can take a souvenir photo from this memorable evening full of adventures and encounters. Before entering the arena, the audience can relax in a festive atmosphere alongside Sheriff Goofy and the musicians. Then prepare to relive the fantastic epic of the Far West! The exceptional participation of Mickey and his friends in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show whirls guests into a giant western hoedown! Free for children under 3 years. Individual seats not guaranteed for children under 3 years. Strollers are prohibited in the arena Bookings can be made up to 2 days before selected date of the show.
Primera parada – la cosmopolita isla de Hydra Calles adoquinadas, su belleza arquitectónica, así como sus medios de trasporte tradicionales… ¡cómo el burro! Podrá ver las hermosas fortalezas y las impresionantes mansiones, disfrutar de un paseo por las pintorescas calles o incluso visitar lugares de interés histórico. Segunda parada – el puerto de Poroso Una isla frondosa de vegetación, una magnífica belleza natural y miles de pinos, desde las playas escarpadas hasta las playas de arena, haciendo de Poros la isla del romance y la tranquilidad. Camine por la ciudad y descubra el ayuntamiento, el museo arqueológico, la biblioteca púbica, el centro cultural y las pequeñas casas blancas de la isla… siga hasta el punto más alto de la isla y descubra la histórica y famosa Torre del Reloj de Poros. Última parada – la histórica Egina La isla más grande de golfo Sarónico, la isla de Egina es conocida en todo el mundo por sus deliciosos pistachos, sus playas vírgenes y el Templo de Afaia. Podrá coger un autobús hasta el Templo de Afaia y la Iglesia Saint Nectarios o nadar y visitar la isla Agistri sólo es accesible por un pequeño barco. Transporte hasta/desde Puerto de Piraeus: Traslados en autobuses disponibles hasta/desde Puerto Piraeus, el lugar desde el cual sale el crucero, y 150 hoteles céntricos en Atenas y la región Attica. Opción incluida en la entrada: Crucero + Transporte. Por favor al realizar la compra rellene el formulario donde se le pide el Hotel donde pasará su estancia. Tenga en cuenta: Deberá traer documentación de identidad válida (pasaporte o DNI). Prepare los vales que se le enviaron a su correo impresos y preparados para mostrarlos cuando haga el embarque. En el caso de que no lo traiga, se le podrá negar a entrada y no se le devolverá el dinero. No permitido a bordo de la embarcación: animales, comida o alcohol comprados fuera de la embarcación, drogas y substancias peligrosas. Las mujeres embarazadas deberán traer un certificado médico, No se permitirá la entrada de niños menores de 3 años. Términos y Condiciones completos
Shakespeare's Birthplace - This is where it all began. William Shakespeare was born and grew up in this house. • Explore the Shakespeare family home and glove making business • Stand where genius was born • Enjoy live theatre every day with costumed actors performing excerpts from Shakespeare's plays • Visit our Famous Beyond Words Exhibition and see wonderful objects from our Collections now on display for the first time. Anne Hathaway's Cottage - Discover the family home of Shakespeare's wife with its beautiful cottage gardens • Charming thatched Tudor cottage • Explore nine acres of gardens, grounds and woodland walks • Heritage blooms, traditional orchards and local wildlife Mary Arden's Farm - Step back in time for all the sights, smells and sounds of a real working Tudor farm • See the rare breed animals and falconry display • Watch our Tudors cook the traditional midday meal • Have a go at archery Hall's Croft - Discover the home of Shakespeare's daughter and her wealthy husband Dr John Hall • Relax in the tranquil gardens • Hear about the remedies Dr Hall would have used • Discover stories of the house's famous past occupants • Enjoy a light snack or cream tea in the cafe Shakespeare's New Place- walk in Shakespeare's footsteps on the site of his family home which has been re-imagined with beautiful gardens, a restored Tudor knot garden, specially commissioned artworks and a fascinating new exhibition about Shakespeare the family man and business man of Stratford-upon-Avon.
Catamaran Cruises sail out from Cambrils harbour twice a day and offer the opportunity to see the coastlines and beautiful beaches of the Costa Darauda whilst out at sea. Meet new friends & enjoy the sights whilst relaxing & soaking up the sun and having fun. The best bit is when the sailing stops and the fun begins. Watch as the men jump in the water to the cries of ‘Tsunami’ as the waves splash anyone near to them. This is when great friendships can be struck up as the children and the adults splash about in the sea. If you want to stay on board this is the perfect opportunity to sunbathe but make sure you have plenty of sun cream as the sun can be deceiving, particularly with the sea breeze! Take your camera and a towel and have the time of your life! This cruise departs daily at 15:30 h Coach pickup from your hotel or pick up point is included in the price.
Schedule: Summer (Apr - Oct) Daily 14.00 Winter (Nov - Mar) Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun 12.00 Distance: 9 miles Duration: 3 hours 30 mins Ability: Easy Sight List: Tate Modern Gallery Shakespeare’s Globe Borough Market London Bridge Greater London Authority Buildings Tower Bridge St Katherine’s Dock Wapping London Docks Tobacco Dock Shadwell Basin The Capt’n Kidd Riverside pub (for a drink) Cable Street The City of London Jack the Ripper The Gherkin skyscraper Lloyds of London Building Leadenhall Market The Royal Exchange Bank of England Mansion House St Paul’s Cathedral The Wobbly bridge