Produkteigenschaften: Elastische Mullbinde. Gekreppte, elastische Mullbinde mit hoher Dehnung zur Fixierung von Wundauflagen insbesondere an viel bewegten Körperteilen sowie an Gelenken. Aus 30%...
Zur Bekampfung von Hautverfarbungen haben die Skin Doctors ihre spezielle SD White & Bright Creme entwickelt. Sie ist perfekt fur diejenigen, die Bereiche ihres Teints aufhellen und zum glanzen bringen mochten. SD White & Bright verwendet den innovativen β-White Verbundstoff, sowohl UVA- als auch
Nach dem Grundsatz der Homöopathie erfolgt jede Behandlung mit einem individuell auf den Patienten und sein jeweiliges Krankheitsbild abgestimmten, homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Dabei können die v...
Vision Spinner 2 Battery Sepecification : 1,Instructions for Vision Spinner-2 Battery: 1. Turn on/off the battery a. The battery is turned on/off by pressing the button five times in two seconds b. When the battery is off, the button flashes three times in mixed color to indicate that battery is activated after pressing the button five times in two seconds c. When the battery is on, the button flashes three times in mixed color to indicate that battery is off after pressing the button
just like the fruit salad sweetsPG/VG Ratio 70%/30% Bowman products may contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used within Bowman products Bowman products are not intended as a nicotine replacement therapy, nor do they function as a cessation device, they are intended as an alternative to smoking. Bowman products are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes.
Shenzhen Huasheng Technology Co. Ltd. focus on 510 thread RDA, RTA, RBA Atomizer and other electronic product development and production, has been providing quality products and professional services for domestic and foreign customers, products are exported to overseas, gained positive recognition of customers.Welcome customers to request quotation catalog. thank you for your support. Customary Packing from the factory, the packing is subject to change without notice.