Nicotine free formula for those of you who just want to vape!Diamond Mist offer market leading E-Liquid ranges that allow users to buy ready to use flavoured E-Liquid, with or without set nicotine levels.E-Cigarettes require E-Liquid to produce the inhaled vapour. The E-Liquid is a simple solution that contains the following three components:Nicotine – is the stimulant and addictive substance in cigarettes. Diamond Mist offers a range of strengths of nicotineFlavouring – Nicotine has no distinct taste but the addition of E-Liquid flavour results in the unbeatable diamond aroma. Diamond Mist is the manufacturer of some of the finest tasting and highest quality E-Liquid flavourings. Diamond Mist use only the finest quality sourced flavours and offer to its consumers the widest and most sensual range.Reagent – This essentially dilutes the mixture of nicotine and flavours to the correct strength, and it further aids the production of vapour that is inhaled and carries both the flavour and nicotine from the electronic cigarette to the user. The common ingredients of the reagents are:Propylene Glycol (PG) – This is the primary ingredient which produces the smoke like vapour which the electronic cigarette is exhaled.Vegetable Glycerine (VG) – Viscous and sweet, producing a larger smoke like vapour when the electronic cigarette is exhaled but with areduced throat hit than PG.Ingredients Of Diamond Mist E-LiquidEach E-Liquids has its own secret recipe. However all E-Liquids contain the following: PG (propylene glycol), generally a higher percentage of VG (vegetable glycerine) if a sweet E-Liquid, Nicotine (varying strengths), distilled water and high grade, concentrated flavourings (unless a Custom Mix is requested). Our standard Tobacco range take a higer PG percentage to simulate a more true tobacco experience. Every bottle of E-Liquid will have its ingredients printed on the label along with a use-by date. All industry standard warning labels are included indicating the nature of the product, child proof caps as well as raised tactile warning labels for the visually impaired.When making this switch, many new users do not know which nicotine strength is best suited to them. But this need not be so confusing. The chart below will help you determine whichstrength to start with in order to find your level of suitability.(mg per 10ml)0 no nicotine Those who want to enjoy the flavour but without any nicotine.6 ultra low For people who wish to enjoy the smallest possible nicotinelevel while still enjoying a full E-Liquid taste.12 low Comfortable level for people who prefer nicotine, but aren’theavy vapers. This level is also common for people whoused to smoke light cigarettes.18 medium Most vapers who were former smokers enjoy thislevel because it delivers the perfect amount of nicotinein each vape.24 high Commonly preferred by people who were formally heavysmokers (20 cigarettes per day). It has a noticeable nicotinelevel that many former smokers prefer.30 maximum For people who require a significant nicotine intake.Usually for former smokers who smoked more than 40cigarettes per day.HOW LONG DOES ONE E-LIQUID BOTTLE (10ml) LAST?Generally speaking it should last between 4 to 7 days but again this is very dependent upon how often you smoke. Put simply, an average smoker of 15 cigarettes a day using a 10ml e-liquid won’t need to replace the liquid for a week. One E-liquid is equivalent to 100 cigarettes. What does a 20 pack of cigarettes cost? 5 to 7 pounds? Based on smoking about 15 a day that as much as 70 pounds a week!!! One liquid, one week, 5 pounds!! Saving money, your health and giving you a rich array of flavours to try.
Proto-col Green Magic Pulver setzen sich aus Superfoods zusammen wie Spirulina, Lecithin & Chlorella. Jetzt sparen bein Kauf von 2
Fresh, gentle scrub for your nightly skincare ritual The exfoliating cream is part of Delidea's Organic Beauty Alphabet product line and was created to support the regeneration process at night while reviving the skin - for a smoother and more radiant appearance first thing in the morning. Australian finger lime extract supports the regeneration process of the skin and provides a gentle exfoliating effect. The vitamin-rich cream is packed with amino acids, minerals and antioxidants that nourish and protect the skin. Application: Apply the cream to a clean face and neck at night. Massage into the skin until the cream is fully absorbed.
Die AIR OPTIX AQUA ist die verbesserte und neuere Version der bisher bekannten AIR OPTIX Monatslinse von Ciba Vision/Alcon. geeignet für: trockene/sensible Augen; längere Tragezeiten Nutzungsdauer: 4 Wochen Wassergehalt: 33% Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit: 110 Dk/t lieferbare Werte : -10,00 dpt bis +6,00 dpt UV-Schutz: Handlingstint : Sie bietet einen noch besseren und längeren Tragekomfort und ist somit optimal für ?Neueinsteiger?, ?Umsteiger? und ?Wiedereinsteiger?. Weiter hat Sie eine CE-Zulassung für verlängertes Tragen bis zu 7 Tage und 6 Nächte am Stück (nach Anpassung und Kontrolle durch einen Linsenspezialisten). Pflegemittel zum Aktionspreis: Mindestens eine AIR OPTIX AQUA Box bestellen und einen 3 Monatsbedarf (2x380ml) oculsoft Easy ALL IN ONE zum Sonderpreis von nur 9,98 ? dazu bekommen.
Bittermelonen Exktrakt mit Chrom & Banaba Bittermelonen Extrakt ohne Zusatzstoffe in Handarbeit verkapselt Die Küche Indiens und Japans sowie, speziell der über 100-Jährige Einwohner Okinawas, verwendeten häufig ein bestimmtes Gemüse: die Bittermelone oder auch Bittergurke. Die Kapseln enthalten Bittermelonenextrakt, Zimt, Banabablattextrakt und Chrom. Herkunftsland: Indien Verzehrempfehlung: 2 mal täglich 1 Kapsel mit Flüssigkeit nehmen Nicht für schwangere und stillende Frauen geeignet Kühl und trocken, nicht über Zimmertemperatur lagern Inhaltsstoffe pro 2 Kapseln pro 100 g Bittermelonen Extrakt (15 %) 500 mg 50,1 g Zimt 200 mg 20,04 g Banabablattextrakt (1%) 50 mg 5,01 g Chrom 40 mcg 3,08 mg Zutaten: 50,1% Bittermelonenextrakt (Momordica charantia), 20,04% Zimtpolyphenole (Cinnamomum Cassia), 5,01% Banabablattextrakt (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Chrompicolinat, Korallenkalkalge* (Lithothamnium calcareum), Zellulose** *Trennmittel **Kapselhülle
La creme anti-age Skinception Eyelasticity vise a proteger, eclaircir et lisser la peau sous les yeux. Efficace sur poches et cernes, sa formule a base dAloe Vera et de The Vert fournit un soin puissant a utiliser 2 fois par jour. Retrouvez une bonne mine avec Eyelasticity !