La Tisane Circulation 150 gr Herboristerie de Paris permet d aider les jambes et le retour veineux en cas de forte chaleur ou de station debout prolongee. La composition unique est tres eficace et tres douce au gout a la fois et apporte des plantes alimentaires comme les feuilles de cassis riches en antioxydants, les sommites fleuries de Millefeuille, le marc de Raisin riche en oligomeres, les feuilles de Vigne rouge riches en anthocyanes, le fruit d Aubepine anti palpitations, les queues de Cerise qui aident l elimination, la Menthe douce pour son apport gustatif, les feuilles de Myrtille, les sommites fleuries d Ortie blanche, les feuilles d Ortie remineralisantes, la Reine des pres riche en flavonoides, la feuille de Mauve et la feuille de Romarin. La tisane circulation se prend sur des periodes de 3 semaines a renouveler en cas de fortes chlauers et de station debout longue et eprouvante.
Nach dem Grundsatz der Homöopathie erfolgt jede Behandlung mit einem individuell auf den Patienten und sein jeweiliges Krankheitsbild abgestimmten, homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Dabei können die v...
Model: JD465262; Tips:Body massage offers therapeutic treatment, but cannot completely replace a doctor's treatment.,The product does not cure the disease. It just helps. When you are sick, you must go to the hospital to receive regular treatment.,Women who are pregnant or during their period should not undergo abdominal massage.,You should not do a full body massage if you are suffering from extreme fatigue, dizzy, drunk, have a fever, or within a half hour of eating.,If you have a skin disease or damaged skin, please do not use electornic machines on the affected areas.; Voltage (V):USB Powered; Target Body Part:Waist Back,Shoulder,Waist; Type:Body Massager; Function:Relieve general fatigue,To promote face blood circulation and anti-aging,Helps fight insomnia; Compatibility:Men and Women; Features:Light and Convenient,Power light indicator,Mini Style; Listing Date:06/24/2023; Instructions:English
Produkteigenschaften: Hydrosorb Gel, steril, in Spritzen, 15 g Das klare, viskose Gel aus der Spritze für die feuchte Wundbehandlung. Klares und viskoses Gel mit elektrolytischer Zusammensetzung...
EnergivitSuitable for use from birth through to children requiring additional energy, vitamins, minerals and trace elements or who are following a restricted protein diet. Energivit can be used in conjunction with specific amino acid mixtures to provide a formula individually tailored to meet the patient's specific needs. It can also be used as a convenient protein free feed in the short term, for example as an emergency regimen. Energivit must be supplemented with a suitable nitrogen source if intended for use as a sole source of nutrition.Use under medical supervision. Not suitable for use as a sole source of nutrition. Not for parenteral use.