Desarrollado para ayudar a restaurar la estructura, el tono y la elasticidad de la piel, U-Visage Dispositivo y Crema deja su rostro suave, flexible y radiante. Es una crema de cuidado diario para la cara y el cuello, cuyo objetivo es mejorar la apariencia de la piel apagada y cansada, proporcionand
Makari Jabon Exfoliante Antiseptico ayuda a limpiar la cara en profundidad y rejuvener la piel. Elimina impurezas y devuelve la elasticidad a la piel.
Gentle cleanser that soothes the skin The particularly gentle, antibacterial cleanser is perfect for cleansing baby's diaper area. The pH level of 5 - 5.5 respects the natural balance of the skin and soothes. It also prevents skin irritations around the diaper area. Application: Mix a small amount of cleanser with water and cleaner the outer part of the intimate area. Rinse with plenty of lukewarm water.
Evening Primrose Oil is an incredibly prolific natural source of Alpha Linoleic Acid, a go-to ingredient to work into your diet for menopausal support for women, as well as skin care and joint care. Each Softgel serving contains a potent 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil.
L emulsion anti age visage bioEau thermale de Montbrun est un soin specifiquement etudie pour lutter efficacement contres les rides et les ridules des peaux seches et sensibles. Cosmetique bio, cette emulsion visage est elaboree avec de l eau thermale Montbrun, reputee pour sa richesse en mineraux et oligo-elements. Composee avec des ingredients 100 % naturels, apaisante et nourrissante, lrsquo;emulsion anti age allie une double action anti rides grace a : L easyliance, qui lisse et repulpe instantanement la peau. Le Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline, son action diminue les rides de facon progressive et durable. L huile de Rosier Muscat est associee aux huiles drsquo;Inca Inchi et drsquo;avocat, pour une emulsion visage riche en oligo elements, vitaminee et anti age. Le sene de Provence et l eau thermale Montbrun conferent a ce cosmetique bio des agents naturels calmants, pour une peau douce, fraiche, eclatante et sans tiraillements.
Aiming to help boost your feelings of maleness, Hydromax Xtreme is based on a clinically studied method, using patented technology & first-class quality materials. With six extra accessories, it’s held in a sleek carry case. The Hydromax Xtreme is manufacturer guaranteed for 2 years.