Get kitted out like your favourite players. As worn by the first team on matchdays, this short sleeve shirt is the perfect way to show your pride and passion. with Wesley 9 printing
Stretch Lycra® backhandPalmistry™ technology with gel paddingFinger tabs for easy glove removalSilicone palm print for gripVelcro® adjuster strap for secure fitTerry sweat wipe, Stretch Lycra® backhand, Palmistry™ technology with gel padding, Finger tabs for easy glove removal, Silicone palm print for grip
A faultless fit is more than an aspiration, it’s a basic requirement with assos cycling clothing. The importance of this is highlighted in the bib-less short, with no straps to hold everything in place. Rest easy: with these carefully designed women’s cycling shorts the rider is guaranteed total comfort. Beyond the appealing clean aesthetic of the h.laalalaishorts_s7 there are many less eye-catching features that we know are crucial.An all-new waist construction ensures the fit remains spot on however hard the ride. The lady_s7 insert has been precisely crafted to fit the body of the female rider and moves in sync with her body throughout the ride. Even the half-leg flat grippers are a cut above, a barely-there flourish. The regularfit of the h.laalalaishorts_s7 offers a subtle, universal cut that makes these padded cycling shorts work perfectly for all types of riding
Alpinestars Rolling ShortEigenschaftenultraleichte Konstruktion mit Mesh und synthetischem Wildleder EVA-Schaumpolsterung an der Handfläche für Passform und Komfort verlängerter Stretcheinsatz an der Handfläche für verbesserte Daumenbewegung praktische Abziehvorrichtungen an den Fingern Frottee-Daumeneinsatz zum Abwischen von Schweiß und Schmutz strategisch positionierte synthetische Wildlederverstärkung synthetischer Wildleder- und Klettverschluss am Handgelenk für eine individuelle Passform Alpinestars Silikon-Grip-Druck auf der Zuglasche volle synthetische Wildleder-Handfläche für Komfort und Haltbarkeit