VISIT THE NEW ENGLAND AQUARIUM Tentacles Take Hold NEW! Get ready to be wrapped up in Tentacles! Look for the giant Pacific octopus in its newly expanded habitat brimming with species found in the chilly depths of the Pacific Northwest. Eye the cuttlefish levitating in its tropical tank while the chambered nautilus jets through its inky dark display. From petite red octopuses to graceful seajellies, dive into the dazzling diversity of these mysterious ocean animals as Tentacles take hold at the New England Aquarium! GIANT OCEAN TANK Enjoy 360-degree views of spectacular, four-story Caribbean coral reef teeming with more animals than ever before. In 2013, the iconic Giant Ocean Tank underwent a top-to-bottom, 21st century transformation, including windows that provide crystal-clear viewing opportunities: a vibrant, revitalized coral reef with more than 1, 000 fishes: and the Yawkey Coral Reef Center at the top fo the exhibit. The colorful Caribbean coral reef is home to sea turtles, eels and hundreds of tropical fishes of all sizes. SEALS AND SEA LIONS AT PLAY AT THE NEW BALANCE FOUNDATION MARINE MAMMAL CENTER The seals and sea lions are always at play. Watch California sea lions dart through the water and limber Northern fur seals frolic in this beautiful openair exhibit space, and find out about the challenges marine mammals face in the wild! THE LARGEST SHARK AND RAY TOUCH TANK ON THE EAST COAST The Trust Family Foundation Shark and Ray Touch Tank features sharks and rays in a mangroved - themed tank surrounded by shallow edges and viewing windows, allowing visitors to experience a close encounter with these animals. Visitors to this exhibit can reach out and gently touch the backs of cownose rays. Atlantic rays and sharks as they swim gracefully through the crystal-clear water. The exhibit presents these incredible species in a way that highlights their importance in a healthy ocean ecosystem. It also emphasizes the valued of conserving essential coastal habitats, such as mangroves and lagoons. ATLANTIC HARBOR SEALS Visitors can enjoy the Atlantic harbor seals in their exhibit on the Aquarium plaza before buying admission tickets. Watch the seals swim, play and rest. Learn more about them and see some expert behaviors as they work with trainers during free training sessions throughout the day. BLUE PLANET ACTION CENTER This exhibit is part of the Aquarium’s recent top-to-bottom, 21st century transformation. The exhibit area presents the serious challenges facing the oceans and showcases the Aquarium's global leadership in searching for solutions with a combination of interactive displays, interpretive presentations and small live animal exhibits. FEATURED EXHIBITS Science of Sharks Dive deep into the Science of Sharks with the newest exhibit at the New England Aquarium. Get up close to some small but mighty shark species from around the world. Hands-on activities illuminate the remarkable adaptations that give them an edge in the water, while the shark and ray touch tank lets you see — and feel! — these adaptations in action. The New England Aquarium is the place to find out why these magnificent ocean predators are even more incredibly cool than you thought. Shark and Ray Touch Tank The Trust Family Foundation Shark and Ray Touch Tank features sharks and rays in a mangrove-themed tank surrounded by shallow edges and viewing windows, allowing visitors to experience an exceptionally close encounter. Giant Ocean Tank Enjoy 360-degree views around a spectacular, four-story Caribbean coral reef teeming with hundreds of animals and more than 120 different species. New Balance Foundation Marine Mammal Center The seals and sea lions are always at play! Watch California sea lions dart through the water and limber Northern fur seals frolic in this beautiful open-air exhibit space. Penguin Colony The Aquarium is home to more than 80 penguins living in the bustling penguin colony surrounding the Giant Ocean Tank. Watch them swim, eat, preen, and bray! Whale Watch Book front-row seats to view the ocean’s most fascinating and magnificent animals. The New England Aquarium Whale Watch conveniently departs from Central Wharf. Languages: Aquarium guide maps in Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, German, French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese are available at the Aquarium's Information Desk upon request. Duration: Please plan to spend one and a half to two hours at the Aquarium. If you want to add an IMAX film, plan for an additional 45 minutes.
Please note: Entry ticket is not included, this must be purchased separately.
Enjoy the Sea Lions Interaction at Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park!
These playful and loving mammals will make your day very special. During the interaction you can stroke and hug them, and even receive a kiss. You will also learn to differentiate their principal characteristics and get to know their skills and behaviours.
The sea lion is an expert swimmer who uses his front flippers to propel themselves forward, making leaps of up to 1.5 metres and steer their body with their rear flippers.
The training of these animals is based on “time”, “patience” and, above all things, “respect.” So we are aware of their moods and, like us, you must understand.
Adults and children must be 7+ years old and 1.10+ metres high.
Each child from 7 to 14 years old must be accompained by an adult (18+), who also participates and pays for the interaction.
The groups are limited to 10 people to secure maximum enjoyment!
Participants must bring a swimsuit and towel, the use of sun tan cream is not permitted.
Participants must remove all jewellery prior to entering the water.
Combine your visit to Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park with a visit to Go Karting
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona es el acuario mediterráneo más grande del mundo, una visita obligatoria para quien se encuentre en esta fantástica ciudad. La emoción está garantizada tanto para jóvenes como para adultos mientras exploran el acuario libremente. Especialmente mientras caminan debajo del agua a través del túnel de 80 metros que les permitirá ver los tiburones nadando sobre sus cabezas al alzar la mirada. Podrán ver 11.000 ejemplares de 450 especies de todo el mundo. El espectacular Oceanario es único en toda Europa, siendo la instalación más grande y con más variedad de especies de todo el acuario. Con un diámetro de 36 metros y 5 metros de profundidad, contiene 4.500 metros cúbicos de agua y una gran diversidad de especies. Incluyendo: doradas, morenas, peces luna, rayas y dos clases de tiburones: el tiburón toro y el jaquetón de Milberto, las verdaderas estrellas de L'Aquarium! No se pierda la exposición de medusas, pero también se pueden maravillar con los pingüinos o echar un vistazo a los réptiles y anfibios en el Río Tropical. Hay tanto que hacer que los niños estarán entretenidos toda la visita y usted podrá disfrutar de maravillosas grabaciones con algunos de los peces más hermosos del mundo. En Explora, los niños tienen su propia área para jugar y explorar. Hay cafetería de autoservicio donde podrá disfrutar de una bebida, aperitivos o comidas y también hay tienda de regalos donde podrá comprar un recuerdo para llevárselo a casa con usted.
Madame Tussauds Millones y millones de personas se han congregado en las puertas de Madame Tussauds desde que se abrieron hace 200 años y actualmente sigue siendo una actividad tan popular como antes. Hay muchas razones para este éxito duradero, pero en el fondo la clave de todo es la curiosidad humana. Los visitantes de hoy son enviados en un viaje extraordinario y emocionalmente por los reinos de los poderosos y famosos. Las típicas barreras de los museos desaparecen aquí para que los visitantes realmente se puedan acercar a las celebridades, leyendas del deporte, pesos pesados de la política y iconos histórios, dando a conocer hechos históricos, eventos y momentos que marcaron el mundo. Con 14 emocionantes e interactivas zonas así como la increíble experiencia cinematográfica Marvel Super Heroes 4D, el Madame Tussauds Londres combina toda la pompa y glamour con historias increíbles. Camine a través de la alfombra roja y pose al lado de Kate Winslet, justo antes de retar a sus deportistas favoritos como Tom Daley o Lewis Hamilton. Empiece su experiencia real con una audiencia con la Reina antes de posar junto a los Duques de Cambridge. También podrá acercarse a sus Superhéroes Marvel preferidos antes de vivir la espectacular y exclusiva película Marvel Super Heroes 4D, donde los Superhéroes de Marvel lucharán para salvar Londres de un mal creciente. ¿Con quién desea hacerse una foto? La Torre de Londres Visite la Torre Sangrienta donde fueron asesinados los Príncipes. La torre Beauchamp, donde los visitantes pueden leer las inscripciones de los presos talladas en la puerta. 365tickets ofrece entradas con descuento, más economicas que comprando en las taquillas, esta entrada le da acceso a todas las torres y atracciones, así como a las exclusivas tiendas de regalos, el histórico restaurante New Armouries, Tower Cafe y la libreria. Algunas de las cosas que podrá visitar con la entrada a la Torre de Londres: Exposición del Rey Esta exposición abarca quinientos años de espectacular armadura real. Proporciona una maravillosa perspectiva de la personalidad, el poder y el tamaño físico que los reyes de Inglaterra han poseído. La Torre Blanca Actualmente acoge la exposición Power House, acerca de las diversas instituciones nacionales fundadas en la Torre de Londres, la Torre Blanca es reconocida como uno de los edificios históricos más importantes del mundo. Se ha convertido en un símbolo icónico para Gran Bretaña y Londres y es imprescindible en cualquier viaje a la Torre de Londres. Las Joyas de la Corona La casa de la joya en la Torre de Londres alberga las famosas joyas de la corona. 23.578 piedras preciosas y gemas constituyen las joyas de la corona e incluyen el diamante más famoso del mundo, “La Gran Estrella de África”.
Edinburgh Castle Great Hall The Great Hall was completed in 1511, as the nation’s chief place of ceremony and state assembly. An original hammerbeam roof dating from 1511 is just one fascinating feature of the impressive Great Hall. Guided Tours All visitors to the castle can join our popular guided tour free of charge. Filled with intriguing tales and castle secrets for all. The Honours of Scotland Top of the list for many visitors are The Honours of Scotland, the nation’s crown jewels. The crown, sceptre and sword of state are the oldest royal regalia in the United Kingdom. Mons Meg This mighty medieval siege gun is one of the world’s oldest, it could fire a gunstone almost two miles. Built at Mons, Belgium, she represented the cutting edge of military technology. National War Museum Scotland Discover the story of Scots at war over 400 years, revealed through personal mementoes, photographs and military objects. One o'clock Gun The One o’ Clock Gun was first fired from the Castle on 7 June 1861, and has continued ever since, six days a week, except during the two World Wars. Prisons of War Exhibition A highly acclaimed ‘Prisons of War’ experience in the castle vaults vividly recalls the conditions the 18th century captives endured. Royal Palace Its fine rooms were the home of Scotland’s royalty for centuries, where Queen Marie de Guise died in 1560 and her daughter Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to James VI in 1566. Royal Scots Regimental Museum Closed 16th - 22nd June. Explore the proud and exciting story of one of Scotland's most famous regiments. Scottish National War Memorial Originally opened in 1927, this is a memorial to Scots who died in both World Wars, and in later campaigns. Their names are listed here in the Roll of Honour. The Regimental Museum Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards An important collection illustrating the history of Scotland's only cavalry regiment and its English and Scottish antecedents dating back to 1678. The Stone of Destiny The Stone of Destiny is an important symbol of Scottish nationhood, and still plays a central role in all British coronations. It was the coronation seat of ancient Scottish kings. St Margaret's Chapel Take a quiet moment in St Margaret’s Chapel, built by David I around 1130 and the oldest building in Edinburgh. Views of Edinburgh Photo hotspots around the castle - capture stunning views of Edinburgh Royal Yacht Britannia This magnificent ship has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. But, above all, she was home to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family. Now in Edinburgh you are welcome on board to discover the heart and soul of this most special of royal residences. Before you step on board the Royal Yacht Britannia, you will be given a complimentary audio handset that is full of captivating stories and provides a rare glimpse into the life of the British Royal Family. From Sir Winston Churchill to Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, some of the world’s most influential people have been welcomed aboard Britannia; now you can stand where they stood and see what they saw. You can choose to enjoy the tour in a wide range of languages. There is also a children’s tour in English, a version for the visually impaired and one for people with learning difficulties. Printed scripts are also available. Starting at the Bridge, the self-guided tour covers five of Britannia’s magnificent decks, taking you through the fabulous State Apartments and crew’s quarters, and ending in the gleaming Engine Room. The majority of items on board are the original pieces, which have been kindly loaned by the Royal Collection. Highlights of the tour include the State Dining Room, the Sun Lounge and the Officers’ Wardroom. Be prepared for a few surprises at Britannia. Look out for the on-board Garage housing one of Her Majesty’s Rolls-Royces. You will even be able to see inside The Queen’s Bedroom; a rare insight that is not possible at any other royal residence. In March 2009 we opened the Royal Deck Tea Room on board. Sit back and enjoy the stunning waterfront views as our friendly waiters serve light refreshments with speciality teas and coffees in spectacular surroundings. Back on dry land, our award-winning shop in Ocean Terminal has exclusive gifts and popular Britannia souvenirs as distinctive as Britannia herself. What will you choose to remember your visit
From the minute you reach the Six Flags’main entrance, you will step into a world of fun and thrills where adrenaline runs wild. Take your time to get to know all the park’s many different and stunning roller coasters. From the vertiginous heights of the wildly fast Superman el Ultimo Escape, to the twisted, twirling tracks of Batman the Ride, the variety of roller coasters in this park will take your senses to the limit. From atop all these rides, you will feel like the super heroes the rides are named after, flying way above the Mexican plains. Other breathtaking rides all adrenaline junkie must try out are the endearing Medusa and the wild Boomerang. Begin by screaming of fright – and end up screaming for more! Children will also greatly enjoy a visit to Six Flags thanks to its assortment of roller coasters for kids, such as the thrilling Junior Roller coaster or the Tsunami. As well as the 48 rides and family attractions that compose Six Flags, you will also enjoy some of the parks popular international shows, like Batman Begins, the Stunt Show and the Magic Light Parade. Please note: There are some extra activities available not included in the entrance fees such as: Go-karts, Van Helsing, Terminator X etc.