Makari Beauty Milk Premium+ is the new advanced skin lightening formula from the Body Beautifying Milk lotion giving better skin lightening results.
Revita Combo Champu y Acondicionador es ideal para el cabello delgado y fino, formulados para ayudar a mejorar el aspecto de su pelo. Revita Combo usa en sus productos activos e ingredientes que se complementan para ofrecerle los mejores cuidados para su cabello, usando la tecnologia de nanosomas.
Circulymphe 60 comprimes Sante Verte apporte des Bioflavonoides de citron, des extraits de Vigne rouge, de Piloselle, de pepins de raisin, d ananas, de Ginkgo biloba, de la rutine, de la vitamine C, de la quercetine, du selenium et de la vitamine B6. Circulymphe 60 comprimes apporte 300 mgde Bioflavonoides de citron (standardise a 35% de flavonoides),105 mgd Extrait d Ananas fruit (standardise a 100 GDU/g de bromelaine),60 mgd extrait de Vigne rouge. Les Bioflavonoides de citron sont associes a l extrait d Ananas et a l extrait de Vigne rouge pour une meilleure efficacite. On associe generalement ces comprimes au gel de massage circulymphe.
Brown seaweed weight loss supplement (Black goemon). High polyphenol, mineral, and oligo element content. Designed to reduce energy (or calorie) intake in overweight people . Could regulate glycemic and lipid responses.
ProSport Ankle Support
The ProSport Ankle Support provides effective support for damaged ligaments, muscles and weak or unstable joint conditions. The ankle support has been designed in conjunction with physiotherapists, to bring you the correct support to help treat, rehabilitate and prevent injuries. ProSport Ankle Support is suitable for all sporting activities and everyday use by men and women.
Makari Extreme Complete Range contains all the products from the Makari De Suisse range, harnessing two powerful ingredients Carrot and Argan oil.