herlitz Ordner maX.file protect, Rückenbr. 80 mm, neongrün DIN A4, PP-Kunststoffbezug, Kantenschutz, standfest, - 1 Stück (50022465)
STAEDTLER Fineliner triplus permanent, 10er Etui Strichstärke: 0,3 mm, dreieckig, wasserfest, sortiert in - 1 Stück (331 SB10)
These Grape cones from Juicy Jays are one and a quarter inch long and are "sooo... JUICY". Theyre pure hemp papers and are printed with soy ink. Its ingredients include natural gum sugar made in Spain which is the birthplace of rolling paper! Each smell proof tube comes with 2 cones and a filling tool.
salon services angled eyeliner brush precise application precision-cut angled tip use with powder or liquid eyeliner perfect for eyelash tint application
PAGNA Brustbeutel XL, aus Nylon, lindgrün mit strapazierfähigem Kordelzug, mit Geldfach und Reißver - 1 Stück (99508-17)