Smokey Robinson visits Las Vegas to perform his Motown classics at the Wynn Las Vegas. Experience his hits live with tickets at
Your helicopter flight experience begins with a greeting and check-in from friendly operations staff, followed by a thorough safety briefing in the comfort of the modern and spacious guest lounge. After the safety briefing, we will head out to the helicopter and use your own camera for some photos in front of your helicopter before boarding. Cameras and video recorders can be taken with you on the helicopter for more fantastic memories of your flight over picturesque Sydney Harbour and beyond. Upon take-off enjoy full panoramic views of the Sydney skyline, Pacific Ocean and the historic port of Botany Bay. Within minutes of departure your experienced and skilled pilot will have you above the glistening waters of Maroubra Beach and tracking north along the coast at 500 feet. You will contour fly the picturesque coastline of the Eastern Suburbs beaches including Coogee, Clovelly and also the world famous Bondi Beach, the aquamarine waters sparkling against the Sydney sun. Admire the spectacular houses of Dover Heights and Vaucluse perched on the chiselled sandstone cliffs as you continue northbound to Sydney Heads. From the entrance to Sydney Harbour your flight path will continue north passing the golden sands of Manly and Dee Why Beaches past Longreef and onto Palm Beach; the northern most point of Sydney. From Palm Beach you will then track inland following the tranquil waters of the Hawkesbury River all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge. The scenery in the North West of Sydney is stunning. To the west you will see the foothills of the breathtaking UNESCO World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park, to the east the Ku-Ring-Gai National Park, and to the south the Sydney Olympic park, the home of the 2000 Olympic Games. From the Sydney Olympic site your pilot will then follow the Parramatta River at 500ft passing ferries and yachts on the way to the spectacular Sydney Harbour. Flying low over the southern pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, it is so close you can almost touch it, before climbing up over the white sails of the Sydney Harbour Opera House and historic Fort Denison. Take in the aerial views of the ever changing Sydney Harbour as you make for the heliport you will fly past some of Sydney’s great sporting arenas including the Sydney Football Stadium and the Sydney Cricket Ground, as well as Randwick Racecourse. Throughout the flight your pilot will be providing you with informative commentary via Bose voice activated headsets, you will also be able to talk with the pilot and your other passengers whilst on the helicopter.
Itinerario: Viaje cómodamente y sin rodeos hasta la atracción natural más imponente de Irlanda. Los Acantilados de Moher se consideran una de las atracciones turísticas más importantes de Irlanda, atrayendo casi un millón de personas cada año. Los acantilados se levantan unos 120 metros por encima del Océano Atlántico en Hag's Head, y llegan hasta una altura máxima de 214 metros al norte de O'Briens Tower, ocho quilómetros más allá. Hay una gran variedad de fauna viviendo en los acantilados. La gran mayoría son pájaros, con una población estimada de 30.000 aves que representan 20 especies diferentes. Este tour guiado hasta los Acantilados de Moher le da la oportunidad de explorar esta maravilla natural a su propio ritmo. Pare en la hermosa villa de Doolin, hogar de la efervescente escena de surf irlandesa, con algunos magníficos restaurantes y publs irlandeses tradicionales. Un lugar único, los Acantilados son el hogar de una gran diversidad de fauna y flora. ¡También son muy conocidos por ser el lugar de rodaje de algunas de las películas de Harry Potter! Aprenda más acerca de los acantilados así com de la historia y el folklore irlandés en el Centro de Visitantes de los Acantilados de Moher, ¡tendrá la entrada incluida! Le recomendamos que lleve calzado cómodo y que lleve una chaqueta o abrigo con usted.
*Special Exhibition Dates: 9 Nov 2018 - 28 April 2019: Russia, Royalty & the Romanovs and 'Roger Fenton’s Photographs of the Crimean War, 1855' 24 May - 13 Oct 2019: Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing. To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the death da Vinci, this exhibition will include 200 of his drawings. 15 Nov 2019 - 4 May 2020: George IV: Art & Spectacle Please Note: The Queen's Gallery will be closed between these special exhibitions
Steinhart Aquarium: Highlights include the Philippine Coral Reef, the California Coast tank, and Twilight Zone: Deep Reefs Revealed. Osher Rainforest: A glass dome houses the four-story living rainforest, where birds and butterflies fly freely among lush tropical trees, plants, and other animals from around the world. Living Roof: Visit our rolling green roof for views of Golden Gate Park and beyond.California wildflowers bloom in spring while dozens of native plants provide habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies year-round. African Penguins: Visit our colony of charismatic South African birds. Join a biologist for penguin feedings at 10:30 am and 3 pm daily. The Swamp: Meet its most famous resident, Claude, an albino American alligator, who shares his home with a trio of prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtles. Morrison Planetarium: Reserve a seat ticket (free with admission) at the Planetarium kiosk to see our newest show, Expedition Reef.
The House of Illusion - Eine noch größere, bessere Show in noch größeren und besseren Räumlichkeiten direkt am Meer. Alle Tickets beinhalten eine fantastische Show, bei der Sie beliebig mit so viel Weißwein, Rotwein, Lagerbier oder Softdrinks versorgt werden, ohne sich Gedanken um die Bezahlung machen zu müssen. VIP-Besucher werden die exklusive VIP-Lounge mit spektakulärem Meerblick, einem Willkommensglas Cava, nutzen können. Anschließend können sie die Besetzung treffen und ein von der Besetzung signiertes Souvenir-Programm erhalten. Kinder bekommen ein Glow-Armband und genießen die besten Plätze des Hauses. Die Gold-Ticket-Besucher haben Zugang zur Gold-Lounge und erhalten ein von der Besetzung signiertes Souvenir-Programm. Die Silver-Ticket-Besucher genießen die gleiche spektakuläre Show mit guter Aussicht, nicht mehr als 5 Meter von der Bühne entfernt. Unlimitierte all-inklusive Getränke gibt es für alle Lounges. Erleben Sie den Beweis, dass das Unmögliche vor Ihren Augen möglich wird!