The manufacturing specification for Faithfull router bit cutters ensures that they are suitable for use by all professional tradesmen, craftsmen and conscientious DIY enthusiasts. Every Faithfull router cutter tip is made from tungsten carbide, brazed onto a steel body and designed to cut a wide variety of timber and abrasive material such as MDF and plywood. With careful handling and under normal conditions, they will outlast HSS grade cutters many times. These top quality cutters will ensure an excellent finish and provide the user with long lasting and reliable service. 1/4in ShankCutting Diameter: 12.7 mm 1/2in. Cutting Length: 19 mm. Shank Diameter: 1/4in.
USB Recargable Destornillador Eléctrico de Alta Precisión Mini Kit de Destornillador Portátil Teléfono Móvil Portátil Digital Herramienta de Mantenimiento en el Hogar
Miniatura de aluminio pequeña Hobby Clamp en mesa Mini herramienta multifuncional
The Faithfull sleek heavy-duty aluminium tacker featuring a unique Triggershot action that can be selected when placing staples in hard to reach places and is ideal for single-handed use when flush stapling or when precise positioning is required. Additional features include force adjustment, an easy drop-in loading system with a reload indicator and a built-in handle lock for easy storage. Accepts: Staples No.4: 6-14mm.Brad Nails No.8: 12-14mm.Pin Nails No.9: 14mm.
Meterk Wire Crimper Profesional Ingeniería terminales del trinquete Alicates JX-02C 0.25-2.5mm2 Terminales aislados o código de color nidos AWG24-14
IRWIN Vise-Grip powerful locking action with jaws long enough to reach into tight spots with small enough tips to grip tiny objects. Hex key adjusting screw that tightens to draw materials closer together and also provides controlled release. Incorporates a wire cutter.Visegrip Irwin 6LNC Long Nose Locking Pliers Length: 150mm (6in).Capacity: 51mm (2in).