2 x Übernachtung im Wohlfühl-Doppelzimmer, 1 x Feuerzangenbowle in unsere Bar & Lounge, 2 x Flair Frühstück, 1 x Schwäbisches 3 Gang-Menü am Anreisetag, 1 x Biosphären-Menü am letzten Abend
Wachsornament-Platte mit vielen schönen Frühlings-Motiven wie z.B Osterkörbchen, Schmetterling, Herz, Rosenköpfe uvm., ca. 16 x 8 cm gelb mit Glimmer. Die Wachsornament-Platte besteht aus mehreren aneinander gereihten Wachsornamenten auf einer Platte. Die einzelnen Wachsornamente lassen sich idealerweise mit einer Prickelnadel voneinander trennen. Anschließend kann man sie ganz einfach mit Hand...
The Byron DB312/DB313 Twin Wireless Door Chime has a 30 metre operating distance with a 75db rating. It provides a single melody, 'ding dong' chime and operates using a fixed code. It comes with a portable and plug in or plug through chime, both chime units can be placed in a different places within the operating distance to maximise the volume and range. The Push requires 1 x 23A battery (included). DB312: 1 x Portable Chime, 1 x Plug In Chime & 1 x Wireless Push.DB313: 1 x Portable Chime, 1 x Plug Through Chime & 1 x Wireless Push. The Byron Smartware DB313 Wireless Plug-Through Door Chime has a 30 metre operating distance. It provides a single melody, ding dong chime, and operates using a fixed code. Its plug-through feature means that there is no loss of socket. Another mains powered object can to be powered by plugging into the chime's socket. It also comes with a portable chime, that can be placed in a different room to the plug in chime. It has a 80-85dB rating, depending on the sound. Compatible with all Byron DB ranges. The plug in chime is mains powered.The push requires 1 x 23A battery (included).The portable chime requires 3 x AA batteries (NOT included).
Les refuges ne sont pas r?serv?s qu?aux pratiquants aguerris de la montagne. Ce sont des lieux d?accueil au plus grand nombre, o? l?on peut prendre un verre au cours d?une randonn?e, manger en famille ou faire une halte r?paratrice pour une nuit avant...
Flotadores de pesca Flotadores de pesca LED vertical Iluminación nocturna Flotador de pesca Luz de indicador de mordedura de pescado de la boya
Wera Kraftform® Comfort 6 piece screwdriver set suitable for all general purpose screwdriving tasks with comfortable ergonomic handles which are moulded directly onto the blade for strength and with anti-slip etched screwdriver tips. Contains: 2 x Slotted Parallel: 4x100mm, 5.5x125mm.2 x Phillips: PH1x80mm, PH2x100mm.2 x Pozidrive: PZ1x80mm, PZ2x100mm.