Le lithothamne120 gelules Belle et Bio est une algue calcaire riche en mineraux et en oligo-elements, qui permet un apport en calcium. Celui-ci est necessaire au maintien d une ossature normale. De plus, il permet le maintien d une dentition normale. Riche en oligo-elements le Lithothamne est une petite algue calcaire tres riche en substances minerales marines et en calcium. Le Lithothamne est recolte au large des Iles Glenan en Bretagne. Le Lithothamne va participer au maintien du capital osseux et a renforcer les os. Cette algue capte avec ses thalles les mineraux, le fer, les oligo elements (iode, cuivre, manganese, zinc, cobalt .) contenus dans l eau de mer sous forme ionisee facilitant leur assimilation. Le Lithothamne est donc d une richesse exceptionnelle en carbonate de calcium et aide aussi l organisme a se basifier, contre les atteintes d acidite.
Benefits: Relieves dry eye. Formulated to combat symptoms of dry eye, especially those caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Lubricates and hydrates. Locks in moisture for increased comfort. 10ml bottle. Portable container makes this product easy to carry and travel with. Systane Balance lubricant eye drops offer extended relief of dry eye symptoms, designed specifically for patients with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). These eye drops lubricate your eyes and provide prolonged lipid layer restoration, which gives longer-lasting protection against dry eye symptoms. The patented formula helps to lock in moisture, ensuring increased comfort and hydration. This product contains 10ml of Systane Balance solution. Contact lens wearers are recommended to instil eye drops before and after inserting lenses.
Model:EM03; What's in the box:Body,User manual; Tips:Women who are pregnant or during their period should not undergo abdominal massage.,Body massage offers therapeutic treatment, but cannot completely replace a doctor's treatment.; Voltage (V):110-240; Target Body Part:Muscles; Capacity:2400; Type:Body Massager; Power Supply:Chargeable; Material:Metal; Function:Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain,Relieves Stress,Help to lose weight; Compatibility:Sports,Men and Women; Features:Power light indicator,Ergonomic Design,Wireless use; Listing Date:11/10/2019; Instructions:Chinese,English; Special selected products:COD
Produkteigenschaften: Schmerzempfindlichkeit entsteht, wenn die mikroskopisch kleinen Kanälchen im Zahninneren durch Zahnfleischrückgang oder Zahnschmelzabbau freiliegen. Dadurch können Reize wie...
Produkteigenschaften: Bezeichnung: Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Vitamin D3 (1.600 IE), Zink und Selen. Verwendung/Anwendung/Verzehrempfehlung: Täglich 1 Tablette mit reichlich Flüssigkeit (z.B...
Features: Direct output voltage Top filling and top Airflow Innovative magnetic connector Economical and elegant design with mini size 650mAh battery capacity and 0.8ml e-juice capacity