guttagliss hobbyglas ist hochwertiges robustes Polystyrolglas. Die Bruchfestigkeit ist ca. 10-mal höher als bei gleichstarkem Echtglas. Sowohl Bastelanfänger als auch erfahrene Heimwerker kommen bei guttagliss hobbyglas voll auf Ihre Kosten. Für jeden Anspruch geeignet, lässt es sich einfach und problemlos verarbeiten.
Looking to try the subscription box without the subscription? We know commitment is hard, so were giving you the option to try the Rollers Club first month box with no strings attached. Once youve tasted the goods, were positive you will enjoy yourself and want a more steady relationship. In the first Rollers Club Box you get a Clipper lighter and a pack of pre-rolled tips, a doob tube, then you get to choose between flavored, non-flavored or mix flavored wraps and papers. No Commitment, no problem!
Fellowes Premium Gel Adjustable Keyboard Wrist Support creates a comfortable working environment that helps to reduce the occurrence of computer related aches and strains.The adjustable gel wrist support affixes to your keyboard and is height adjustable support pressure points and alleviate and reduce strain. Because the wrist support is attached to your keyboard, this reduces the risk of it slipping and positions it to optimise function.Angle adjustable wrist support with a 10mm forward or negative adjustment, allows for individual customisation and a preferred working position to be adopted, long lasting polyester covering withstands everyday wear and tear, optical-friendly mouse pad features superior tracking surface, graphite
Carpeta de la carta del organizador del documento de escritorio de madera 4 capas para el uso en el hogar de la escuela de la oficina
Red on white 9mm gloss D1 tape, compatible with LabelPOINT 100/150/200/250/300/350 LabelMANAGER 100+/120/ 200/210/220/300/350/400/450/PC
tesafix doppelseitiges Klebeband 4960, 12 mm x 100 m doppelseitig klebendes Vliesband, gute Anfangsklebkraft (04960-00079-00)