Traditional Ayurvedic powder for hair & skincare Methi (Indian: fenugreek seed) powder is incorporated into skincare due to its ability to soothe itchiness and irritations. It is often used for irritated and inflamed skin, dandruff and premature hair loss. Fenugreek seed powder activates cell renewal and healthy hair growth. It is also beneficial when it comes to wounds, atopic dermatitis, fine wrinkles and age spots. When used as a face mask, it absorbs excess sebum leaving the skin flawless and radiant. Application: Hair mask: Mix with warm water until a paste is formed and apply to the hair, massaging the scalp and distributing into the ends. Leave on for up to 15 minutes, rinse and cleanse with a natural shampoo or Aritha powder. Methi powder can be blended with other powders. Skincare: Mix with water or floral water and apply an even layer to the skin (face and/or body). Blend in a few drops of essential oil or other high-quality oils. Leave on for 10 minutes. The paste will dry if no oil is added to the mixture. Rinse thoroughly with water. It is recommended to follow with a toner or floral water as well as a moisturiser or plant oil. Ingredients (INCI): Trigonella Foenumgraecum powder
Ideale pour les peaux sensibles et seches, lHuile dArgan Skinception est une huile pure pressee a froid pour booster ses vertues et prolonger sa conservation. Enrichie en vitamine A & E, Skinception Huile d'Argan permet dhydrater intensement votre peau et peut agir sur l'acne et les rides.
Le savon Makari Exclusive permet de laver efficacement la peau et stoppe en partie la production de melanine afin d'eclaircir la peau. Adapte a tous les types de peau - 3
Der PyratineXR Soothing Antioxidant Cleanser hilft, die Haut zu erfrischen, zu reinigen und zu hydratisieren, wahrend Make-up und Ole auf dem Teint entfernt werden.
Die Manuka Honig-Creme kombiniert reinen Manukahonig mit atherischen Olen & hautfreundlichen Stoffen. Sparen beim Kauf von 3 Premium-Hautpflegecreme
El Jabon Hidratante Emuaid ha sido disenado para hidratar y proteger las pieles danadas, irritadas y secas. El Jabon Hidratante Emuaid estimula la renovacion de la piel y contiene Emu, Arbol de Te y Aceite de Jojoba en una formula completamente natural apta para el cuerpo y la cara