Ein echter Weil-Riesling mit der unverwechselbaren Eleganz, welche die Weine des weltberühmten Weinguts in Kiedrich allesamt auszeichnen. Wilhelm Weil glückte wie kaum einem anderen deutschen Winzer, an die Glanzzeiten deutscher Weine in der Welt anzuknüpfen. Seine Flaschen sind heute überall so begehrt wie zu jenen Zeiten, als sie kostbarer waren als die besten Bordeauxs.
Introducing the ultimate edition of the Fire Luke tank, The FreeMax Mesh Pro Sub-Ohm Tank. Featuring a new multi-mesh coil system with compatibility to the original tank, as well as 6mL maximum juice capacity and dual slotted bottom airflow. The crowning achievement lies within the coil system, featuring more surface area that results in even heating of cotton and eJuice for a consistent vaping experience. The new Mesh Pro Coil System if fully compatible with the FireLuke Tank and FireLuke Pro Tank. Massive dual slotted bottom adjustable airflows measuring in at 16mm by 4mm each allows for ample air channels into the chamber, producing maximum flavor and clouds. Finally, the new retractable sliding top-fill provides easy refills perfect for on-the-go. 25mm Diameter 6mL Maximum Juice Capacity Optional 5mL Juice Capacity - Slimmer Profile Superior Stainless Steel Construction with Resin Mesh Pro Coil System - Kanthal Single Mesh 0.15ohm Coil - Rated for 40-70W - Kanthal Double Mesh 0.2ohm Coil - Rated for 60-90W - Kanthal Triple Mesh 0.15ohm Coil - Rated foor 80-110W(not included) - SS316L Single Mesh 0.12 Coil - Rated for 400
The Augvape Intake RTA with 24mm diameter features two airflow tubes to direct the air from top to the bottom of the coil to bring maximum flavor, which is one of the reason why it is called Intake RTA. It comes with a 4.2ml bubble glass tubes and a 2.5ml straight glass tube, and designed as leakage proof and easy top filling system. The build deck has two posts design with open channels for easy single coil building. Including low profile resin drip tip and a tall Delrin drip tip, the 510 drip tip can also be used with the included 510 adapter. Stainless steel construction 4.2/2.5ml juice capacity Glass tank (27*22*27mm/24*22*24mm) Top airflow in, bottom airflow out Super easy to build, super easy to refill Bottom airflow direct to the coil Dual posts deck with open channels for extremely single coil building Real leak proof and flavor chasing Simple top refilling design 24mm overall diameter Brand: Augvape Model Intake RTA Model 4.2/2.5ml Diameter 24mm Size 50.5 x 24mm
Dunkles Purpurrot, opulenter Duft von Cassis und Kirschen, delikate Noten von Unterholz, Tabak, und Wild,mineralisch, dicht gewoben, konzentriert, süssliche Frucht, feinkörniges Tannin, schmelzige Art, feinwürzig, elegant und langanhaltend. Passt zu: Speisen mit feinen Wildgeflügel, dunklem Fleisch, .z.B. Filetsteak von Koberind gebraten mit kräftigen Trüffeljus und Ofenkartoffeln mit Rosmarin.
Vandy Vape Berserker V1.5 Mini RTA is an innovative 22mm version RTA. It features 22mm diameter and convenient airflow ring, five sizes of airflow slots can be adjusted by your preference. Berserker V1.5 Mini simplified top fill design and improved liquid flow. This device is durable and easy to clean. It comes with a single coil which is easy to operate, simplified top fill design, easy to refill. It will bring a very excellent vaping experience! Innovative 22mm version of Berserker series Big single coil building deck for easy DIY. MTL RTA with top to bottom airflow design. Improved liquid flow, easy to build Excellent MTL vaping experience Brand: Vandy Vape Model Berserker V1.5 Mini Capacity 2ml(Glass Tube);2.5ml(Metal Tube) Diameter 22mm Size 33.8 x 22mm