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L Huile d onagre 120 capsules Nat et Form est extremement riche en acides gras essentiels (AGE) dont 70 % d acide linoleique et 10% d acide gamma linolenique. Ces acides gras sont des precurseurs des prostaglandines, substances qui agissent au niveau du cycle menstruel. L huile d Onagre entre egalement dans la composition des produits permettant de retarder le processus et l apparition des phenomenes du vieillissement. Elle permet egalement une prevention de la deshydratation cutanee. L application sur la peau d acides gras essentiels (AGE) permet d empecher la perte d eau et ameliore l etat de la peau carencee en AGE. Marque : Nat et Form Denomination commerciale : Huile d onagre (Oenothera biennis) Ingredients / INCI : par capsule: Huile d onagre bio : 500 mg - oenothera biennis,Vitamine E (antioxydant) : 2,5 mg, capsule molle.
Produkteigenschaften: Bezeichnung: Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Vitamin D3. Verwendung/Anwendung/Verzehrempfehlung: Erwachsene nehmen bei erhöhtem Bedarf täglich eine Kapsel und bei normalem B...
Wichtige Hinweise (Pflichtangaben): Carbo vegetabilis-Injeel, Flüssige Verdünnung zur Injektion Anwendungsgebiete: Registriertes homöopathisches Arzneimittel, daher ohne Angabe einer therapeuti...
Benefits: Daily use. These lenses, suitable for correcting Astigmatism, are available in a daily form. This cuts out time consuming cleaning routines. Highest level of UV protection available. Protecting your eyes from many of the harmful rays from the sun (no replacement for safety glasses). Promotes the health of your eyes. Made from silicone hydrogel, these lenses allow lots of oxygen to reach your eye through the lens. Popular lens, ACUVUE OASYS 1 Day is now available for those with Astigmatism. ACUVUE OASYS 1 Day for Astigmatism is a daily lens, saving you the time and effort of having a cleaning and storage routine. These lenses are made from silicone hydrogel, the newest development in contact lens materials. This material allows lots of oxygen to reach your eyes, so your lenses can withstand your long days. While wearing these lenses, your eyes are protected from 99% of UVB and 90% of UVA rays that can harm your vision in later life. ACUVUE OASYS 1 Day for Astigmatism are ideal for those who need a contact lens that can withstand their hardworking day. Want speedy delivery and quality products you can trust? When you buy your lenses from, they are sourced directly from the manufacturer. Not only that, but 93.6% of our orders ship on the same day.
Le Cocktail Tonique bio Proroyal de Phytoceutic est composé d'une synergie d'ingrédients qui favorisent l'amélioration des capacités physiques et de la vitalité intellectuelle : ginseng, guarana, acérola ...