Dolphin Lagoon ™ Das Delfinschwimm-Erlebnis ist das Herzstück Ihres Besuchs.In der Lagune können die Besucher mit Delfinen schwimmen. Sie ist von Sandstränden und tropischer Vegetation umgeben. Nach einer Einführung über die Meeressäuger im flachen Teil der Lagune, können die Teilnehmer in Kleingruppen (nicht mehr als Personen) mit den Delfinen schwimmen und spielen und sich von der Kraft und der Anmut dieser einzigartigen Tiere verzaubern lassen. Kinder müssen mindestens 6 Jahre alt sein, um mit Delfinen zu schwimmen. Kinder im Alter von 6-12 Jahren müssen von einem zahlenden Erwachsenen begleitet werden, der ebenfalls am Delfinschwimmen teilnimmt Das Grand Reef® Ein Hektar großes Areal mit rund 10.000 Meerestieren - darunter 125 verschiedene Arten von Fischen wie Rochen, Muränen und Haien. Die Gäste können dort am weißen Sandstrand liegen, im flachen Wasser waten, im tieferen Wasser schwimmen oder inmitten der tropischen Fische schnorcheln. Explorer's Voliere Das rund 76 Meter lange und bis zu elf Meter hohe Vogelhaus stellt einen natürlichen Lebensraum für etwa 30 Arten tropischer Vögel dar. In drei Bereichen können Sie die Vögel sogar füttern und berühren! Wind-Away-Fluss Das Gewässer schlängelt sich durch fast den ganzen Park, vorbei an Stränden, baumgesäumten Wegen und Lagunen. Wer durch den Fluss schwimmt, trifft auf verschiedene Landschaften: den Strand einer sonnigen Insel, dichten tropischen Regenwald, einen Fluss, der an den Amazonas erinnert, ein tropisches Fischerdorf und eine Unterwasserhöhle. Wer durch den Wasserfall taucht, kommt in ein riesiges Vogelhaus, das etwa 300 farbenprächtige Tiere aus aller Welt beherbergt. Ruhe-Bucht Schneeweiße Strände gesäumt von Palmen, tropischer Vegetation und strohbedeckten Hütten. Jeder Gast findet sein privates Plätzchen auf dem weißen Sand, unter einem Schatten spendenden Sonnenschirm, in einer Hängematte oder auf einem Liegestuhl.
Highlights New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery A little piece of Spain comes alive in this town, full of history, art and architecture. The town’s main attraction is the museum and art gallery. In the museum you will find extraordinary artefacts dating back to when New Norcia was an Aboriginal mission, a hub for farming and a diverse town for education and culture. New Norcia Abbey Church and St Gertrude’s College The Abbey Church is home to one of only two large Moser organs, originally crafted in Germany, this organ was imported to Australia in the 1920s. Visit St Gertrude’s College, a grand gothic style building which was originally built as a girls boarding school and opened in 1908. Nambung National Park Home to the iconic Pinnacles Desert, Nambung National Park features an array of coastal dunes. Rich in flowering plants, this is a great spot where vegetation blooms into flowers during the season. Pinnacles Desert These mystical limestone pillars make up one of Australia’s most unique landscapes, rising eerily out of the sand and reaching up to several metres tall. See the Pinnacles from the lookout over the park or take a guided walk through these amazing spires. If time permits be sure to make a visit to the Pinnacle Desert Discovery Centre to discover even more about these natural wonders. Wildflowers (Seasonal) Stop to view wildflowers throughout the tour whilst they are in season. Varieties include the orange flowering Christmas Tree, Kangaroo Paw, Banksia, Wattle and Everlastings.
This revolutionary building, the first in England to be designed in a Palladian style by Inigo Jones and completed in 1622, was intended for the splendour and exuberance of court masques The Banqueting House is probably most famous for one real life drama: the execution of Charles I which took place here in 1649 to the ‘dismal, universal groan’ of the crowd One of Charles’s last sights as he walked through the Banqueting House to his death was the magnificent ceiling paintings by Peter Paul Rubens painted between 1630-4. Lost Palace of Whitehall Whitehall Palace was the site of some of the most iconic and dramatic events in British history, until it burnt down. For 8 weeks in summer 2016 the Banqueting house invites visitors to explore the palace for the first time in 300 years using innovative digital techniques, taking people around the modern steets if Whitehall to experience the history that once happened.
This City Pass is the best opportunity to visit places connected with Jewish heritage. You may extend the exploration of World War II's history and places connected with Jewish history with a Museum card. Visit Oscar Schindler’s Factory - the museum tells the story of the factory owner who was the inspiration for Steven Spielberg's hit movie, 'Schindler's List'. Compare your knowledge of the history of World War II with the reality of everyday life in Nazi-occupied Cracow, and the personal dramas of its citizens. Nearby, at the Ghetto Heroes Square, you can visit the famous 'Eagle Pharmacy' with an exhibition commemorating the Holocaust of Cracow’s Jews. The last place you can visit with our Museum card is Pomorska Street where, during World War II, the Gestapo's headquarters and prison were located. These three points on the map of Cracow are the three complementary stories about the war and the time that came after the war and the key to the full picture of the tragic history. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: to get a student discount students must have a student ID card during the tour and show it to the DiscoverCracow representative when asked.
See & feel The Netherlands with this unique flight experience
Experience a spectacular perspective from the air with breathtaking movie images
Get new insights into how The Netherlands came into being
Feel you’re flying right past the must-sees of The Netherlands with surprising special effects while hanging in a huge spherical screen
Ticket includes:
Entry to This is Holland
Various exhibitions:
The Netherlands in the Past: an inspiring movie about the Netherlands, the battle against the water, and how they use water
The Netherlands Today: experience The Netherlands as it is today. Be introduced to the unique places you will see during the Flight Experience.
The Flight Experience: hang inside a huge spherical screen with your hands and feet dangling free. Feel the wind, mist and scents, it seems as if you are truly flying through the air, crossing dikes and braving storms
Additional information about the sights after the experience
Dutch Heritage Sites: find out more about the Netherlands in terms of water management, civil society, and (land) design through ten Dutch World Heritage Sites
Ticket Excludes:
Food & Drinks
Please note: Persons shorter than 102 cm and pregnant women are not allowed into the Flight Experience.
date d'inscription:09/27/2020