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We know you have a lot of choices when choosing a crankset, and that choice says a lot about your personal style. We designed the new X01 Eagle crankset for riders who feel most stylish when they stand on top of the podium. This is a completely reengineered design, employing our proprietary CARBON TUNED lay-up technology. Built tough, to handle aggressive lines through rock gardens and big hits wherever you find them, the new X01 Eagle is the strongest, stiffest, lightest crankset available. Combined with the new Eagle direct mount chainrings, and as an integral part of the Eagle drivetrain, this is a crankset that gives your ride a winning style—assuming you’re into that sort of thing. Besides serious weight savings, this bottom bracket means narrow Q-factor, more ankle clearance, greater bearing durability and stronger crank construction. Strength and stiffness where you need it, lightweight like you want it. Proprietary SRAM carbon lay-up design increases thickness and stiffness at critical stress areas. Tapered, terraced, carbon architecture ensures the greatest weight savings without compromising strength. GXP’s Gutter Seal design cuts friction and weight—improving both feel and performance A variant of the external GXP bottom bracket, PressFit cuts weight by up to 40 grams and eases installation by allowing you to press the bearing cups into the frame instead of threading them. It requires no change to the crank spindle length and diameter. This is a new design led by SRAM. It’s all the best from BB30 and Press-Fit bottom brackets in one captivating package. This bottom bracket is designed for 30mm spindle cranksets. The key difference with PressFit 30 is how the bearings are fitted into the frame. Bearings are housed in nylon cups which will be pressed into the frames bottom bracket shell.
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Outer shell
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2 nylon straps with click-fasteners
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