warm waxing is one of the most popular salon treatments all year round, giving your business an excellent regular income. this course covers all areas of face and body waxing using the pot and spatula system.
Features: Convenient to use. Safe to operate. Perfect for E cgarette. Well package, won't hurt the product you need.
The model with 5,000mm of track! With an Archimedean Screw lift and 5 metre track - this set is ideal as a starter kit for the budding young engineer.
Urige Trachten Kniestrümpfe mit handgezogenem Zöpfen und farbig abgesetztem Bund, Merino-Schurwolle - - Unnachahmlichen Charakter erhält der Strumpf durch das Zopfmuster - Ideale Ergänzung zur Kniebundhosen - Spitze echt handgekettelt - Fersen und Spitzen sind verstärkt - Lycrabund für ko...
Our cute Hedgehog is extremely lifelike with every effort made towards realism. A tag is included containing educational facts about the animal, its habitat and food.
Features: Mini enough to put in your pocket, have fun anytime. Perfect size, suitable for adults and kids over 16 years old. It feels nice in the hands and it is almost silent so you won't be bothering anybody. A good choice for killing time, helps relieve stress. Great for fidgety hands, ADHD sufferers. It's fun and interesting, also effective for focus and deep thought. Especially helpful to relax effectively when you are all nerves. Perfect fidget toy to keep your hands busy or to just play with. How to use: Hold spinner in one hand and use the other hand to spin it rapidly and keep it spinning indefinitely by using small continuous strokes. Spinners can start and stop spinning only with the help of one finger.