Suitable cartridges: diameter range from 9mm-11.5mm Preheating time: 10s Battery capcity: 320mAh Charging port: micro USB With side window to monitor oil level 100% original product guaranteed
Nach dem Grundsatz der Homöopathie erfolgt jede Behandlung mit einem individuell auf den Patienten und sein jeweiliges Krankheitsbild abgestimmten, homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Dabei können die v...
Sanatogen Vital 50+ Tablets 60s A complete formulation with 25 essential vitamins and minerals, plus Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, to help maintain vitality in mind and body of adults 50 years and over. With time our bodies change and become more vulnerable to the effects of ageing. Nutritional needs also change as the body finds it more difficult to absorb and metabolise certain nutrients. For example, the ability to absorb vitamin B from food declines in some people as they get older, and a woman's requirement for iron is reduced during the menopause. Also, scientists recognise that as both men and women get older, they require more vitamin D from their diet, to help maintain strong bones. However, very few people can achieve this without supplementation. In addition, antioxidants may help to protect the body against premature ageing, by preventing the damaging effects of free radicals, which contribute to the ageing process. Sanatogen Vital 50+ has been developed with 50+ needs in mind. That's why it contains the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs, plus Ginseng and Gingko Biloba, to help maintain vitality in mind and body. Recommended IntakeAdults 50 years and over take one tablet a day with water.Taking more than the recommended daily intake may be harmful.Do not take if you are pregnant or likely to become pregnant, except on the advice of a doctor or antenatal clinic.If you are under medical supervision consult your doctor before taking this product.
Nutritional Information Vitamin E :10mg Vitamin C: 80mg Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 1.6mg Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 2mg Niacin: 18mg Vitamin B6: 3mg Folic Acid: 200g Vitamin B12: 2g Biotin 150 Pantothenic Acid: 6mg Calcium: 186mg Phosphorus: 144mg Iron: 10mg Magnesium: 45mg Zinc: 15mg Iodine: 25g Copper: 1000g Manganese: 1mg Chromium: 20g Selenium: 50g Potassium: 20mg Chloride:18mg Molybdenum: 20g Ginseng: 25mg Ginkgo Biloba: 5mg
HSE® - SportEyes®: HSE Sporteyes: Die Sonnenbrille "3040" für den sportlichen look im Alltag. Die Nasenauflagen können bei diesem Modell problemlos an die individuellen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden. Gratis: Dieses Modell wird mit einem kostenlosen Microfaser Etui geliefert!
Denomination commerciale : Bruyere/Busserole Composition par gelule: Poudre de bruyere biologique: 125 mg Poudre de busserole biologique : 125 mg Gelatine vegetale 100 % des poudres sont issues de l agriculture biologique La Bruyere est une petite plante qui pousse sur des sols calcifies, acides ou siliceux, dans les bois, les landes, les coteaux arides et les tourbieres, jusqu a 2500 m d altitude. On la trouve dans presque toute l Europe, le nord ouest de l Asie, le nord de l Afrique et de l Amerique. Presentation : Pilulier de 200 gelules Proprietes nutritionnelles : Les flavonoides et les tanins contenus dans ce complexe contribuent a l elimination des toxines de l organisme notamment en cas d infection urinaire. Ce complexe participe ainsi a l antisepsie urinaire. Le complexe Bruyere/Busserole contribue au confort urinaire et possedent une action anti-inflammatoire ciblee sur la vessie.
We are the original factory,Our main product is electronic cigarettes, atomizers, thick oil vapor cartridge, preheat battery,e-cigarette kits,mods.