Nach dem Grundsatz der Homöopathie erfolgt jede Behandlung mit einem individuell auf den Patienten und sein jeweiliges Krankheitsbild abgestimmten, homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Dabei können die v...
Wichtige Hinweise (Pflichtangaben): PANTEDERM N HEXAL 10 % Salbe. Wirkstoff: Zinkoxid. Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Unterstützung der Wundheilung, auch bei nässenden oder juckenden Wunden, Schrunden...
features handheld design and simple operation, which is widely used in many fields such as electrical equipment, heat-insulated floor, heating and ventilation systems, walling inspection, etc.
Handheld and anti-slip body for comfortable and firm grip.
LCD Display: LCD digital display with backlight to show the temperature clearly.
Can measure various hot, hazardous or hard-to-reach objects without contact, which is safe to use.
Data Storage Function: can remember the data by pressing MODE STORAGE key.
Switchable Unit: can easily switch the unit between Celsius(C) and Fahrenheit(F).
Built-in Switchable Color Palette: can select iron oxide red or white glow color palette.
Can be widely used in monitoring eletrical equipment, heat-insulated floor, walling inspection, etc.
SILICIUM 500 ml Oligo-element Catalyons, la revolution drsquo;un produit naturel conditionne dans un flacon labelise One Voice Presentation de SILICIUM 500 ml Oligo-element Catalyons : SILICIUM Oligo-element Catalyons 500 ml est un complement alimentaire a base drsquo;oligo-element ionise entierement naturel et nutritionnel. SILICIUM Catalyon est donc une solution drsquo;oligo-element ionique qui repond aux normes en vigueur. Crsquo;est le phenomene physique drsquo;electrolyse qui a contribue sa fabrication. SILICIUM Oligo-element Catalyons est un complement alimentaire compose essentiellement de silice et drsquo;eau purifiee et dynamisee. Le laboratoire Catalyons est reconnu pour son savoir-faire et son experience dans le domaine de la production de solutions ionisees. Il existe depuis 1960 et met a la disposition des consommateurs sa large gamme de produits drsquo;oligo-elements ionises.
OptiLube Lubricating Jelly 42gOptiLube is a water based, water soluble gel, which has a non sticky, non greasy formulation. OptiLube will not damage rubber or metal and is safe to use on human tissue.Suitable for use in gynaecological exams, electrotherapy, cystoscopic, digital examination and introducing airways or where additional lubrication is needed. Water Soluble Lubricating JellySterile and greaseless Safe for use on human tissue