Christmas Fireplace Tree Print Wall Art Sticker
Maestro 25 back to back ergonomic desks 1600mm deep - silver bench leg frame, white topA staple for the modern office, The Maestro 25 desking range, with its minimal, modern styling and multiple colour options is there when you need it, but doesn?t demand constant attention. The Maestro 25 Bench strikes a balance between individual and group activities in the workplace with fully welded H-Frame legs in black, silver and white that are shared between desks with a modesty panel to complement the 25mm melamine desktops.Features Include :Two 1600mm wide ergonomic desks in a back-to-back clusterIdeal to fit into corners or cluster together to maximise office space25mm desktops available in beech, maple, oak, white and walnutSturdy H-frame goal post legs available in black, silver and whiteThe Maestro 25 range has been designed to give you a wide choice of leg styles, colours and desk sizesA wide range of primary and secondary storage options accompany the Maesto 25 range
Maestro 25 straight desk 1600mm x 600mm with 2 drawer pedestal - black cable managed leg frame, white topA staple for the modern office, the Maestro 25 desking range, with its minimal, modern styling and multiple colour options is there when you need it, but doesn?t demand constant attention. This multi-functional desking collection is designed to fit a variety of office environments, whilst offering an effective and affordable solution to cable control, with 25mm desktops that ensure the strength and stability needed in commercial office furniture.Features Include :Rectangular desks 600mm deep with black cable managed legs and 2 drawer pedestalTwo drawer pedestal with two shallow drawersCreate single hot desks or large clusters featuring durable 25mm melamine worktopsDesktops available in beech, maple, oak, white and walnutThe cantilever leg frame has a removable cover to tidy and conceal cables and prevent loose wires under the deskChoice of matching storage to complement the range
Konsequent klar. Das dormiente Massivholzbett Kara ist kompromisslos in Bezug auf Qualität und Optik. Steht es im Raum ist es präsent. Schnörkellos, dominant und gleichzeitig elegant und formvollendet. Das dormiente Massivholzbett Kara braucht Raum um sich entfalten zu können. Ist dieser vorhanden, erfährt der Besitzer dieses Bettes einen Schlafkomfort der besonderen Art.
Der Fey Lattenrost Vital Plus ist manuell verstellbar, d.h. Kopf- und Fußteil können in verschiedene Positionen gebracht werden.Zudem besitz der flache Federholzrahmen eine aus speziellen Leisten bestehende Schulterkomfortzone, diese unterstützt die Liegeposition in Seitenlage.Dank der Härtegrad Regulierung, kann die Festigkeit in der Mittelzone auf Ihre Körpermitte angepasst werden und bietet dadurch Ideale Unterstützung.
Gradlinig und elegant. Das Rast Möbeldesign Massivholzbett Modena bietet ein besonderes Maß an Komfort. Seine sanft gerundeten Außenkanten schmeicheln der klaren, puristischen Form.