To have a maximum safety the helmet must fit tightly and be correctly and securely fastened, in order not to be able to be taken off neither by pulling it nor by rotating it around the head. If it is too big, it may slide down over the eyes or turn in a lateral direction due to movement during riding, blocking the right visibility. Safety Internal Polystyrene protective lining, available in two sizes (M and L). The special shape and construction in different density increases mechanical resistance in the event of accidental shock. Inner channels studied in the wind tunnel guarantee a perfect ventilation.
The Shield is thermoformed from a polycarbonate flat sheet. Each shield is a one-of-a-kind piece with unequalled optical features and mechanical resistance. Thanks to this process, the face shield is anti scratch and anti fog and there is no need to use additional lenses on the visor.
Retention System D-Ring studied and patented by Suomy, it has been studied by milions of end users and it is the best system in the world. The chin strap has a D-Ring close in Inox steel and button to fix the closure. The button is in an area completely free and allows an easy use even with gloves: when the button is closed , the chin strap creates a loop, which can be used as a ring to pull the tab and undid the closure system. ECE 22-05 Comfort Cheekpads completely removable and washable, in different thicknesses for a complete customization of the product.
Internal Shell completely removable and washable, in different thicknesses for a complete customization of the product. The internal removable shell has been studied for an uniform stand on the head. The visible channels allow the air flow to check the temperature in teh internal part of teh helmet and to let off the hot air through the back part.
Inner (cheek pads and inner liner) are completely in fabric COOLMAX® ACTIVE with treatment INTERPOWER:
Wicks sweat away from the body. Keeps the user fresh, dry and comfortable. Lightweight, soft and breathable fabric. Performance verified and certified by ADVANSA.
Removeable Nose Protector Ventilation The innovative rear air intake on the SR SPORT has been designed to further improve ventilation inside the helmet, using residual air flows that, again thanks to the Venturi effect, are able to generate a depression in the lower part of the helmet, in this way ensuring a substantial extraction of the hot air inside it, consequently maintaining a comfortable temperature even at the back of the head (neck). Aerodynamics The ventilation system of SR SPORT, together with the special shape of the internal shell , optimize the outside and inside flows.
Fed by inside air ventilation and using the Venturi effect, they optimize the internal ventilation. The back spoiler has been studied to reduce the helmet vibration. This grants an uniform diffusion of the air flow in the internal part of the shell.
This helmet comes standard with a clear visor.
To have a maximum safety the helmet must fit tightly and be correctly and securely fastened, in order not to be able to be taken off neither by pulling it nor by rotating it around the head. If it is too big, it may slide down over the eyes or turn in a lateral direction due to movement during riding, blocking the right visibility. Safety SHELL in TRICARBOCO material, mix of Kevlar, carbon and fiber, joint through resine, hand made, using new technologies with vinilester resin. The INTERNAL POLYSTYRENE produced in 3 sizes to get the best fitting. This characteristic allows a gradual and progressive absorption of the energy produced by the impact. Even if the bigger part of the energy created by the impact is absorbed by the external shell, thanks to its deformation, the role of polystyrene is determinant for the absorption of the residual energy. A diversified density of the polystyrene, permit us to optimize the mechanical performance of the shell/polystyrene. The D-RING RETENTION SYSTEM has been designed and patented by Suomy. Insert the free side of the strap in the rings. Pull the end until the strap presses firmly against the jaw. After this operation, it should not be possible to remove the helmet. Verify that by grabbing it from the back and rotating it to the front it cannot be removed and it is fixed to the head. If the helmet tends to come off or rotates freely, tighten the strap again until the right pressure is obtained and repeat test. If after repeating the test you are not able to efficiently tighten the retention system, do not use the helmet. Only after checking the correct tension of the strap, fix the free end locking it with the automatic stud to the release tab The automatic stud is necessary only to fix the free end of the strap to prevent it from flapping while riding. Fixing the release button does not assure that the helmet is correctly in position and properly fastened: the correct locking of the strap must be verified exclusively following the above paragraphs. To release the retention system, release the automatic stud button and pull the release tab to loosen the closure. Slide out the free end of the strap from the «D Rings». Use the release tab only to remove the helmet! Never release this tab while riding. ECE 22-05 Ventilation The internal polystyrene has been studied to work together wityh the air ventilations, put on the shell. The channels allow the perfect inside air flow and at the same time a quick outside air flow from back ventilation. Comfort The CHEEK PADS and the INTERNAL COMFORT shell can be removed, washed and replaced.
They are made of a precious fabric with specific fibers, that offer:
It moves away the body sweat, Keeps rider fresh, dry and completely comfortable, Lightweight, soft and breathable fabric, Performance controlled and certified by ADVANSA.
The cheek pads are easily removable also in case of accident through a red strap which removes the cheek pad even if the helmet is worn by the rider.
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