Das Gerätehaus mit Flachdacht erfüllt höchste Ansprüche, komfortable Öffnung mittels Gasdruckfeder, 3-fach-Verriegelung mit Edelstahl-Drückergarnitur und Normzylinder, umlaufendes Acrylglas-Lichtband sorgt für ausreichend Licht von allen Seiten, Dachrinne mit integriertem Laubfänger, feuerverzinktes, polyamid-einbrennlackiertes Stahlblech, Schrauben und Scharniere aus Edelstahl, Schneelast 150kg/m², sturmfest (150km/h, Windstärke 12), umfangreiche Grundausstattung inklusive. GrößeAußenmaße BxTxHVolumen ca. m³Gewicht kgMit Standardtür Türöffnung 76x182 cm (BxH), Türanschlag rechtsH1275x155x222 cm7,2176H2275x195x222 cm9,4202H3275x235x222 cm11,6228H4275x275x222 cm13,8251H5275x315x222 cm16280Mit Doppeltür Türöffnung 155x182 cm (BxH)H1275x155x222 cm7,2186H2275x195x222 cm9,4212H3275x235x222 cm11,6237H4275x275x222 cm13,8261H5275x315x222 cm16290 Grundausstattung:2 Regalböden 2 Regalsteher 4 Gerätehalter 2 Werkzeughalter an Innenseite Standardflügel Edelstahl-Drückergarnitur mit Normzylinder und Reserveschlüssel 3-fach Verriegelung integrierte Dachrinne inkl. 1-Schlauch Schrauben und Dübel für die Bodenbefestigung "
Beschreibung Kegelrückschlagventil 63 mm Rückschlagventil aus PVC, passend für das Teichbau-Rohrsystem aus PVC von Fiap. Technische Daten: Farbe: Anthrazit Produktabmessung, Ø: 63 mm
Technische Daten: MADISONca. 123x50x8In unterschiedlichen Ausführungen erhältlich Material: 50% Baumwolle45% Polyester
568mm Working Width.Snow is pushed by impeller to the right.Impact resistant and corrosion proof.Folding handle.3.85kg.
This Mountfield Mulching Plug is suitable for the Mountfield 827 compact ride on lawnmowers with a 66cm cutting width.Mulching your grass is a great feature. It saves so much time and can make mowing the lawn more than 30% quicker as there is no need to keep going to the tip to empty clippings. The clippings are cut into fine pieces which virtually disappear back into the ground providing extra nutrients for the soil.Current image is for illustration only.
The 3m Round Deluxe Wooden Garden Parasol - Double Pulley Operated - Green is a sturdy parasol that is easy to use thanks to the effortless double pulley system which is held in place using pins. This system makes the parasol quick and simple to open and close. This deluxe parasol is supported by the strong ribbed frame which creates an extremely sturdy parasol, ideal for projecting shade over your lounge or dining area. The 48mm pole will fit into most standard bases and we recommend a weighted base to be used in conjunction with the parasol to prevent it from falling over. On this deluxe parasol you can enjoy a thick canopy of 230gsm which provides greater protection from the sun's rays. Plus, the leather overlay and metal fixings where the rib meets the pocket will stop the ribs from moving around and damaging the canopy. Made from FSC eucalyptus wood this parasol is much more durable as well as more environmentally friendly. Compared to standard hardwood eucalyptus wood is extremely dense, rot- and decay-resistant with a high oil content that repels water and moisture, making it ideal for use in garden furniture so that it can be left outside. This parasol should be kept completely closed when not in use as well as in windy conditions. Product Features:Double Pulley System with PinCollapsibleFSC Eucalyptus Wood Canopy - 230gsm 48mm PoleRequires Weighted Base (Not Included)