This Square Bar is available as 6082 T6 grade, the highest strength of all our aluminium square bars and known in the metal industry as a 'structural alloy' The material is good for machining and welding, and uses are usually outdoors, taking advantage of the excellent corrosion resistance properties.6082 T6 is suited to many rigid and structural fabrications, including:Balustrades, posts & railingsRoad signsTrucks & trailersFrame building
Beschreibung Flachrund-Zange, hochglanzverchromt Ergonomische2-Komponenten-Kunststoff-Griffhüllen. Gerade Ausführung. Oberfläche: hochglanzverchromt. DIN ISO 5745. Made In Germany. Technische Daten: Anwendungsbereich (Zangen): Werkstatt Backenform: Gerade DIN-Norm (Schraubendreher): DIN ISO 5745 Gewicht: 203 g Material (LOV): Spezialstahl Material-Eigenschaft: hochglanzverchromt,gehärtet Produktabmessung, Länge: 205 mm Schneidhärte: 60 HRC Zangen-Typ (Kategorisierung): Telefonzange