In der Nase feinste Röstaromen , Vanille und reife Äpfel. Im Geschmack kräftig, erhaben mit langem Finish. Passt zu: kräftigem Käse, Erdbeeren.
Reichhaltig und vielschichtig mit kräftigem Körper und Tiefe.
Volvers kleiner Bruder, aus jüngeren Reben und mit etwas weniger Reifung im Holz: Fruchtig, spanisch, dicht. Vegane Verarbeitung
The Hugsvape Ring Lord Mesh RTA is a newly designed rebuildable tank atomizer with 2ml e-juice capacity, which is constructed from high quality stainless steel and glass. With an extra bulb glass tube, its capacity can be extended to 5ml. The Hugsvape Ring Lord RTA also adopts ring-like air tube above the single coil build deck to bring smooth airflow and optimal flavor. Together with bottom airflow system and easy top refilling design, the Hugsvape Ring Lord is definitely a great vaping device. Innovative round airflow tube Adjustable bottom airflow system 2ml capacity with extra 5ml bubble glass tube Easy top refilling design Adjustable bottom airflow Single-coil deck for easy building Model: RTA Brand Hugsvape Model RingLord Build Deck Single Coil Coil Type Mesh Coil Tank Capacity 2ml/5ml Resistance 0.06ohm Wattage 65-75W Size 50.3 x 26mm
Horizon Falcon Sub-Ohm Tank features a luxurious chassis design with triple bottom airflow system Adopting a new coil technology with innovative flax and wood pulp materials 25.2mm Base Diameter 24mm Glass Diameter 2ml Juice Capacity Superior Stainless Steel Construction Pyrex Glass Reinforcement Convenient Threaded Top-Fill Method Bottom Airflow Control - Triple Slotted Design Horizon Falcon Coil Technology 0.2ohm F1 Coil:- 30% Wood Pulp & 70% Cotton - rated for 80W (Included) 0.2ohm F2 Coil: - Natural Flax Fiber - rated for 80W (Not Included) 0.2ohm F3 Coil: - Flax Fiber & Flax Paper - rated for 70W (Not Included) 0.15ohm M1 Mesh Coil: - Mesh Design with Wood Pulp & Cotton - rated for 70W (Included) Sloped Resin Widebore Drip Tip Gold-Plated 510 Connection Brand: Horizon Model Falcon Tank Capacity 2ml (TPD Edition) Diameter 25.2mm Size 55 x 25.2mm