features with optical flow positioning and altitude hold mode, whichis perfect for aerial photography. 720P camera and WIFI real-time images transmission system for fantastic video/picture taking, which is really a great flight combination. Moreover, it is foldable, easy to carry in. Also, it is fantastic with functions of high/low speed switch mode, flip mode, headless mode, altitude hold mode and one button take off/landing. Just come and get it!
(The phone in the pictures is not included)
Functions: Sideward flight, turn left/right, up/down, forward/backward, altitudehold, one key take off/landing, 3D flip, WiFi FPV, G-sensor, headless mode, one key return, optical flow positioning, Auto take photos
With foldable transmitter, great design and easy to carry.
H/L speed mode and 3D eversion function for you to experience cool flying play.
V-sign auto-photo: when you do v-sign hand gesture in the front of the aircraft, it will automatically take pictures, very interesting.
720P double perspective conversion cameras can capture and record everybeautiful and unforgettable moment from a better way.
With attractive headless mode, completely solving pilot loss-of-orientationproblems.
Optical flow positioning and altitude hold functions provide stable flight.
One-key taking off/landing/stop makes the operation more convenient and it isvery suitable for novice operation.
With one key automatic return function, the plane can find the way home easily.
Gravity control mode: allows you to fly the drone forward/backward/left/right incorrespondence to the angle of the mobile phone.
BESCHREIBUNG AUDI RS5 DTM AMX RACING -LIZENSIERT !Ein 1:10 4WD Tourenwagen auf Wettbewerbsniveau.100% made and designed by AMEWI.RTR (ready to run)Voll ausgestattet, höchste Qualität.Es wurden ausschließlich hochwertige Komponentenverbaut:- Faserverbundschassis in CFK Optik -Hochglanz- Riemenantrieb mit 48 DP Modul- gehärtete CVDs- starker Brushless Motor KV4400, ESC 60 A für extreme und radikale BeschleunigungEin starker LiPo-Akku mit 7,4 V 4200 mAh 25Cist bereits im Lieferumfang enthalten und wird mitdem beiliegendem Lipo Balance Charger (1ALadestrom) geladen.Weitere Highlights:3 Kanal 2.4 GHz Fernbedienung mit:LCD Display, komplett programmierbare ATV(Anpassung des Servoweges), exponentialesABS (Stotterbremse), DR (Wegbegrenzung)3 Fahrzustände. Fahrzustandsschalter sowieLenk- und Gastrimmung vom Lenkrad aus bedienbar.Auch ist eine Neutralpunktverstellung desGashebels möglich. Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Typ On-Road-Rennwagen Motortyp Elektromotor Maßstab 1:10 Bauart Betriebsbereit (RTR)
A 160 piece 3D puzzle vase decorated with a white and blue floral design with scattered butterflies. Once created this unique jigsaw can be used to display fresh flowers.
Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produkttyp Kleber Inhalt 100 ml
Nuevo metal de aleación de aluminio redonda EDC mano Fidget dedo Spinner Gadgets Focus Tool Desk juguete Spin Widget para ADD ADHD Niños Adultos aliviar la ansiedad de estrés
Control de voz ATTOP W10 RC 2.4G Drone con cámara 720P