Transform your favorite VIE Vaporizer from a dry vape into a concentrate vape with the VIE Vaporizer Concentrate Capsules. These lovely pods offer a super tight seal and encapsulate your favorite concentrates. Simply fill with your favorite legal smoking concentrates and insert into your VIE Vaporizer! Each order includes 16 refillable concentrate capsules per pack. These capsules are compatibale with the VIE Vaporizer .
The Be Lit brand always gives you a premium rolling experience with their bright and interesting tray designs, and these medium rolling trays are no exception! At a handy and manageable size of 12" x 8" in size for your rolling needs, you will have ample space to enjoy your smoking experience the way that you want to. This quality metal tray features a crisp and colorful print of magically tasty jelly beans on its front for your viewing pleasure, making it really stand out amongst your other rolling supplies and liven up your smoke! The perfect accessory for any smoking aficionado, these metal rolling trays are exactly what you are looking for.