3 x Übernachtung mit Frühstücksbuffet pro Zimmer, 3 x Mittagessen je Person, 2 x Drei-Gang Abendessen je Person, 1 x Niedersachsenbüffet je Person, Programm inkl. Reiseleitung (exkl. Bus) Inklusivleistung, Beschriebenes Reiseporgramm Inklusivleistung
6 Zauberfolien "Ornamentik 2" in 3 verschiedenen Designs, jede Folien-Hülle ca. 7 cm hoch, extrastark, passend für Kugeln mit 8 cm Durchmesser.
Farbiges Wachsornament Fröhliche Schneemänner 4, ca. 6 bis 8 cm, geprägt. Mit unseren Wachsornamenten können Sie ganz einfach Kerzen selbst gestalten oder verzieren. Dazu das Wachsornament mit Handwärme auf einem Kerzenrohling oder anderen Wachsuntergründen, wie z.B. unseren Wachsplatten, platzieren. Für eine besonders starke Haftung empfehlen wir Wachs-Haftis.
It has a temperature control cell frame that keeps the battery at an ideal temperature range to provide maximum life. There is a waterproof protection barrier, a rubber overmould and shock responsive separators to protect the battery from damage. With individual Cell Monitoring which ensures optimal charge and discharge for maximum life and discharge protection which prevents cell damage from over-discharge. They offer up to fives times more run time vs standard Milwaukee Lithium-Ion, twice the runtime vs Milwaukee 5.0Ah Lithium-Ion battery and 35% more power vs standard Milwaukee Lithium-Ion batteries. Results dependant on voltage, tool and application.
Paslode IM350+ Diamond point clipped head Nail packs with paper strip, supplied with Paslode Special Impulse gas fuel cells.FINISH: All Paslode nails are Chrome 6, cadmium and lead free and are available in five finishes to meet corrosion requirements.Bright: Economy and bright nails meet the Eurocode 5 requirements for applications in service class 1 (indoor) Specification - No coating.Galv Plus : Meet the Eurocode 5 requirements for applications in service class 1 and 2 (indoor and covered outdoor) Specification - Zn / Al alloy approx 15µm.Electro Galv : Meet the Eurocode 5 requirements for all applications in service class 1 and 2 (indoor and covered outdoor) Specification - Zn and chromate minimum 7µm.Hot Dipped Galv : Meet the Eurocode 5 requirements for all applications in service class 1, 2 and 3 (indoor, covered outdoor and outdoor) Specification - Zinc coating minimum 50µm Stainless Steel : Meet the Eurocode 5 requirements for all applications in service class 1, 2 and 3 (indoor, covered outdoor and outdoor) Specification - A2 according to AISI 304, and A4 according to AISI 316.SHANK: Smooth Shank: The standard nail, offering high shear value and lowest withdrawal resistance. Fixing across the grain. Fixing into end grain. Clenching applications. Specification - Number of centres will vary with shank diameter.Unilock Shank : Increases withdrawal resistance. Drives easier than ring shank fixing across the grain. Specification - The ringed parts have 24 rings per inch.Ring Shank : Provides the highest withdrawal resistance. Fixing across the grain. Specification - RPI (Rings Per Inch) vary from 16 to 32 depending on Specification.HEAD TYPES :Round Head : The head area is designed to maximise resistance to the head being pulled through Specification - Head size between 2.0 and 2.5 times wire diameter according to EC5Clipped Head : Increases number of nails per strip. The head area is designed to maximise resistance to the head being pulled through Specification - Head area corresponding to full round head area, according to EC5
The Trend VJSAG36 is an adjustable angle guide to allow grooving with the router, or crosscutting with a circular saw. It has an adjustable angle range from 25º to 155º and preset angle for 30º, 45º, 60º, 90º, 120º, 135º and 150º. The router working length at 90º is 915mm (36 inch), the circular saw working length at 90º is 780mm (30 3/4 inch). It has an angle tolerance ± 0.2º with zeroing facility, adjustable position alloy extrusion with scale and requires three clamps. Will accept accessory friction clamps Ref. VJS/CK or VJS/CK/L.